Digital Marketing

10 PPC Alerts to Boost Your Performance

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Whether you’re an agency or in-house advertiser, keeping tabs on your campaign performance across different channels is a lot of work. From spend monitoring to ad ranking, advertisers have a lot to stay on top of; and because optimization is the key to a successful campaign, ignorance is not bliss.

While I can’t speak for the entire PPC community, I know that I am certainly not by my computer all the time. My guess is that most PPCers aren’t on theirs all the time either. If living in our ad data is part of a normal day’s work, we need to have an easy and efficient way to stay on top of it all.

Setting up automated PPC alerts that send emails accessible on mobile is a great way to stay in the know and take necessary actions to keep your advertising running smoothly.

Check out these ten alerts all PPCers should use to stay productive, optimize strategy, and make the most out of each advertising dollar.

1. Check Ad Copy

What are the tell-tale signs of great ad copy ? Generally, we know our copy is doing what we need it to by the number of clicks it gets over any given period of time. Therefore, if an ad is sent out into the wild and gets no clicks, we as advertisers need to know.

Example: Alert me if an ad has greater than 100 impressions and less than 1 click.

ppc automated alerts to check ad copy

2.  Monitor CPA

In any PPC campaign, monitoring costs is a no-brainer. The cost of an acquisition or conversion is especially important to ensure not only that our ads are converting, but that they are doing so at a profitable rate for our client or company. It is important to modify an alert like this one with an impressions count to be sure that an ad or campaign has seen enough daylight to properly determine an ideal CPA.

Example: Alert me if impressions are greater than 1000 and CPA is greater than X.

automated alerts to monitor cost per acquisition

3. Ads Not Converting

Your ads may not be converting because of landing page experience , ad copy, or audience targeting. Whatever the reason, you want to stay in the know about ads that don't guide consumers to the end goal of a purchase or sign-up -- to save money and optimize your campaign for success.

Example: Alert me if I’ve spent more than $500 and conversion rate is less than 10%.

automated alerts to monitor PPC conversion

4. Getting Close to Spend Cap

Are you pacing your ad spend budget? The following alert will allow you to stay tuned-in to the pace of your ad spend while giving you the power to take action before your cap is hit.

Example: Alert me if total spend > $470 (where spend cap = $500).

automated alerts to monitor advertising spend

5. Search: Average Position is Dropping

If your strategy includes first-page search exposure, this alert is for you. By receiving a notification when an ad’s average position drops below your target, you can take the appropriate action (raise bids, evaluate keywords, etc.) before falling too far behind.

Example: Alert me if the average position is greater than 4.

automated alerts to check search position

6. Check Landing Page Performance

No marketer wants to spend money on poorly-converting campaigns. If your ads are getting clicked on at a decent rate, but for some reason, those clicks don’t convert into customers, it’s time to check your landing page experience. This alert will notify you so you can take action before it’s too late.

Example: Alert me if CTR > 8% and conversions are less than 1.

automated alerts to check landing page performance

7. Account-Level Spend Pacing

For marketers who allocate budgets by ad networks, setting up an alert like this will keep their network-specific spend on track.

Example: Alert me if total spend is greater than $2,500.

automated alerts for budget pacing

8. Search: Check Keywords

This alert is great for campaign management at the keyword level. If you’re testing out some new keywords in a few of your ad groups, use this alert to monitor their performance and iterate when necessary.

Example: Alert me if CTR is less than 2% for selected keywords.

automated alerts to check keywords

9. Check Facebook Relevance Score

A low relevance score could increase your cost per click and even be detrimental to a company’s brand. This alert will give you the power to keep a close eye on your ads’ relevance score so you’ll know if you need to update your targeting or copy.

Example: Alert me if my ads’ latest relevance score is greater than 0 but less than 8.

automated alerts for Facebook Relevance Score

10. Facebook: Check Video Ad Creative

Video ads take a lot of time and creative effort to publish. Make sure your efforts are not in vain by setting an alert to notify you if those video ads are being skipped over by your audience.

Example: Alert me when my video views are less than 5.

automated alerts PPC to monitor Facebook ads performance

Take control of your advertising with these ten alerts and leave manual performance checks behind.

In AdStage, all alerts are customizable to your strategic criteria and can be set up in less than 2 minutes. Once you’re comfortable with the action you take following an alert (e.g., pausing an ad if it’s flying too close to your spend cap), take the automation one step further and convert it into a rule . Try for yourself -- sign up for a 14-day free trial.

AdStage Team