Instagram Ads , Salesforce

12 B2B Companies That Do Instagram Ads Right

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Over 500 million users open the Instagram app daily. For businesses looking to connect with millennial decision makers, the platform is a great medium to give B2B brands a personality and voice.

M arketers use Instagram ads not just for brand awareness, but to drive leads and generate sales -- and for a good reason! Instagram is at a lower ad load than Facebook -- and a much cheaper option than Linkedin . Check out our latest Instagram Ads benchmarks to see how CPCs, CPMs, and CTRs compare across networks.

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Below, we've gathered 12 best examples of Instagram ads from brands that use the platform to target B2B prospects.

1. Adobe: Announce a product update

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Product announcements, whether it’s a new feature or integration, can boost engagement, help acquire new clients, and reactivate existing ones. Adobe uses Instagram Ads here to announce its integration with Microsoft Teams.

2. Asana: Promote content downloads

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Instagram Ads can be helpful in promoting your brand’s cornerstone content and acquiring new leads, especially if you use Instagram Lead Ads, which come with pre-filled contact forms to reduce friction. In this example, Asana uses Instagram Ads to promote its downloadable guide.

3. Canva: Showcase customer testimonials

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A good B2B marketing strategy builds credibility and trust. And what a better way to do it than with a customer testimonial? Canva lets the customer speak for the brand while adding a strong call to action to drive sign-ups.

4. ConvertFlow: Drive traffic to Product Hunt

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Product Hunt has built a great audience of early adopters and curious investors: a great opportunity for up-and-coming B2B brands to showcase their technical expertise and get some initial business traction. Here, Convertflow uses Instagram ads to drive traffic to its Product Hunt featuring.

5. Gusto: Give enterprise software a consumer brand feel

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Do B2B buyers make decisions based on rational thinking alone? How to build an emotional connection with the audience is something that B2B marketers can learn from their consumer brand marketing colleagues.  Gusto builds that emotional connection at scale by using relatable visuals.

6. Numetric: Build brand identity and thought leadership

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Numetric hits two goals here by 1) featuring their logo to boost brand identity and 2) building thought leadership with an industry report. Instagram Ads help get the logo in front of new audiences and promote content with lead forms.

7. Salesforce: Stay top of mind

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Whether you’re buying shoes, a lipstick, or a CRM system for your team globally, the decision-making process is very similar. Who comes to mind first? To pole vault into people’s subconscious, frequency is key -- across all channels. Salesforce uses Instagram ads to drive awareness and remind current customers and prospects about its brand through smart retargeting.

8. Segment: Invite beta users

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Public beta launch is often risky, because the first product release is rarely perfect. But here, Segment is likely using its beta launch to build interest and excitement among niche audiences of early adopters.

9. Sentient: Distill complex technology in a simple message

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Tech marketing is often about making the complex simple. San Francisco-based Sentient technology chooses not to speak about AI, ROI, and funnel optimization to their Instagram audiences. Instead, they post a picture of a magician.

10. TripActions: Capture the mobile consumer

TripActions InstagramAd 300x575

This ad caught me at the airport, so A+ for smart geo-targeting, and bonus points for the attractive creative that perfectly captures every business traveler’s love for caffeine.

11. WeWork: Location, location, location

WeWork InstagramAd 300x575

Instagram Ads are perfect for reaching local audiences. The account profile will show users where you’re on the map and help them find you while they’re out and about in your area. WeWork layers on detailed relevant targeting on top of location to woo startup enthusiasts to their SF coworking space.

12. OverOps: Jump on the meme bandwagon

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Hipchat was one of the first B2B brands to use memes in their print campaign back in 2011 (albeit not very successfully). Since then, B2B technology brands, like OverOps in the example above, have gotten better at meme marketing.

Have any good examples of Instagram Ads for B2B? Send us tips at or tag us @adstage.

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