Facebook Ads

2017 in Review: AdStage’s Top 5 Articles on Facebook Ads

AdStage Team 2 minute read

2017 has been a busy year for Facebook advertisers. From revamping the Ad Manager and adding Lifestyle templates to reducing audience targeting options and creating new guidelines to increase transparency and fight ad fraud, Facebook kept us on our toes.

So what were Facebook marketers reading to stay on top of their game in 2017? As we head into 2018, we’ve gathered five of our best-shared articles on Facebook Ads. It’s clear that there’s a real thirst for content that brings you data to benchmark your campaign success, explore new opportunities for growth, and learn from top paid marketers in the field.

No matter what new changes and challenges Facebook throws at you in 2018, these five articles will make you a better PPC marketer. Happy reading!

1. Facebook CPMs Increase 171% in 2017

We’ve analyzed over 8.8 billion Facebook ad impressions and found that during the first six months, the average CPM increased from $4.12 to $11.17, and the average CPC increased from $0.42 to $0.99. Read this article to learn this year’s benchmarks and expert commentary.

2. Quick Guide to the New Facebook Delivery Insights

Ever wonder if your ads are competing for visibility in the Facebook auction? Or how much they’re competing against each other? This article will show you how to use Facebook’s Delivery Insights to understand the performance of your ad sets and allocate your budget wisely.

3. The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Ads

Was 2017 yet another year of mobile? Another milestone for mobile, for sure, and definitely a very good year for messaging apps. So much that the combined user base of Whatsapp, Messenger, WeChat, and Viber has grown larger than the combined user base of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. In this article, you'll learn how to navigate Messenger Ads and use chatbots to grow your business.

4. Quick Guide to Facebook Offline Conversions

In 2017, attribution remained one of the toughest parts of the marketing cycle to measure. With Facebook Offline Conversions, you can connect your CRM, Marketing Automation, POS, or call center system to your Facebook ad campaigns, essentially closing the loop between digitally-captured lead and a non-digital conversion such as a sales conversation. Read this article to see how to set up Facebook Offline Conversions.

5. Top 2018 Facebook Ads Predictions from the Experts

What’s in store for Facebook marketers as we head into 2018? As we look ahead to 2018, we chatted with top paid marketers about the PPC trends that will matter the most in 2018. The experts predict that Facebook marketers will turn to Instagram ads to drive conversions, experiment with Messenger ads to start conversations, and turn to offline conversions to measure business impact.

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