Quora Ads

5 Best Quora Advertising Strategies

AdStage Team 4 minute read

Never considered adding Quora to your marketing mix? Here’s a stat that might change your mind. According to Quora’s data, businesses using Quora Ads see up to 4x more conversions than on other platforms. And here’s a bonus stat—over 300 million unique visitors come to Quora every month to ask questions and get answers. Now you’re sitting up in your seat, aren’t you? We already gave you the rundown on getting your Quora account and campaign up and running , but how can you tap into 4x more conversions for your own campaigns?

In this post, we’ll highlight five simple strategies that you can put in place today to help maximize your numbers.

As you’re getting your new strategic campaigns set up, check out AdStage’s new Quora integration to make the management of everything that much easier. AdStage will help you analyze all your Quora Ads data to optimize within the network, as well as across other ad channels in your paid marketing program.

Match your already top-performing keywords to Quora Topics

Quora makes this super simple to do because it actually encourages you to upload a list of your top-performing keywords from other platforms. From there, spend time researching the topics Quora surfaces as possible good matches for your ads. Start with the obvious:

  • Are there existing topics that directly mention your (or your competitors’) name? If someone is mentioning your brand’s name in a question or answer, you want to make sure you give them a super easy channel to discover more about your i.e. a clickable ad.
  • Are there existing topics talking about your company’s product or service? This is just one step removed from someone talking about your brand directly. If people are debating the best way to get red wine out of carpet and you sell the miracle product that does just that, heck yes you want to make sure your ad shows up on that topic page.

But here’s a pro tip: Don’t go wild and click multiple topic selections for your campaign. When you pull your reports ( using AdStage’s new integration! ) you won’t be able to tell which topic selection is sending you the most business. You can get more refined information by targeting each ad set (as opposed to ad group) to one topic. That way when you pull your reports, you can easily parse and compare.

Amp up your re-targeting efforts

Quora didn't debut its advertising offerings with its pixel, so if you’ve been advertising on Quora for a while, but have yet to install the pixel, do it now! Quora makes it super simple (simpler than some other platforms you might even say…). Simplified, the process looks like this:

  1. Visit the Quora Pixel tab of the Ads Manager and click 'Setup Pixel'.
  2. Select 'Install Manually'.
  3. Click on the Base Pixel Code to copy it, and paste it on every page of your website. Ensure that the code is inserted between the <head></head> tags of every page.

Image from Quora

  1. Once you have that set up, press Continue to install the event pixel.
  2. Select your Conversion Type. Please do not edit the name of the conversion event in the code. Otherwise, your Event Pixel will not function.

Image from Quora

  1. Click on the Event Pixel Code to copy it, and place it immediately following the Base Pixel Code on the page that follows your conversion event (e.g. thank you page).
  2. Once successfully installed, you can access a variety of features such as Conversion Optimized Campaigns, Multi-event Conversion Tracking, Performance and Conversion Data, Mobile App Installs, and Audience Targeting .

For additional screenshots, check out the support article here .

We’ve talked about re-targeting, or re-marketing on other platforms, such as in our post Practices to Supercharge your Retargeting Performance , and the same rules apply to Quora. Here are a few to start with:

Segment Your Audience: With one retargeting pixel, you can segment the audience you would like to retarget to into separate, distinct campaigns or ad groups. Segment your audiences into buckets based on which page or piece of content they visited on your website. This allows you to display more relevant ads that cater to their unique needs and emotional triggers.

Select Relevant Creative: Once your audience is separated into segments, serve those visitors a relevant ad based on their website behavior. Your ad should:

  • Include your branding so the audience knows who the ad is for.
  • Have a clear call-to-action to prompt action.
  • Contain personalized copy catered to the viewer's needs or wants.

Personalize Landing Pages: Having your ad destination set as your homepage can be sometimes too broad and lead to a poor user experience. This causes repeat visitors to leave your site quickly.

Create personalized landing pages on your website that:

  • Mention the same product or service content as the page the visitor was previously browsing.
  • Include a clear call-to-action.
  • Are crafted with the intent to convert.

Test out Audience Targeting

Quora’s targeting options aren’t as basic as they may seem at first glance. Spend some time testing and iterating in Audience Targeting, and you might find some magic combos, especially when you drill down into Lookalike Audiences.

Image from Quora

Lookalike Audiences on Quora work exactly the same as what you’d expect after having used them on other PPC platforms. You can create an audience based on an existing audience in the Quora Ads Manager. The Lookalike Audience could have a higher potential of being high-value customers since you’re simply looking to advertise to more of the people who’ve been interested in your ads in the past. And don’t forget, if you have a campaign that’s doing particularly well, opening it up to a Lookalike Audience could help you boost your numbers significantly.

Use both available ad formats

When you scroll through Quora, you see tons of text, so it might be surprising to learn that the platform actually offers an image ad, too.

Image ads come with the capability to add text captions as well as your company logo alongside the hero image. They can appear on both desktop and mobile devices on home feed, topic feed, question pages, and email digest. The one possible downside to image ads is that they don’t fit in as organically as a text ad. Users may train their eyes to skip over images under the assumption it will always be an ad.

Here’s more detail on text ads , and an in-depth look at running image ads .

Rely on Quora’s exclusion feature

Some expert PPC marketers may also recognize this practice as negative keywords, except Quora offers a few more levels to help you make sure your ads are not popping up in places you don’t want them to. You can choose to exclude everything (and everyone) from complete questions to locations to audiences to devices. If there are certain questions you don’t want your ad to pop up with, you can use the “Exclude Questions” button to find and exclude questions using keywords or a Quora Session URL.

As you start to get the swing of things in Quora Ads, you’ll undoubtedly organically come up with your own strategies. Just remember to keep a record of what you’ve tried and how it turned out.

And don’t forget to check out AdStage’s new Quora integration. With it, you can easily recall all of your campaign history, create custom dashboards to best understand your data, and automatically store, normalize, and connect your data in a single blended view with other ad networks like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more.

AdStage Team