Facebook Ads

5 Facebook Ad Copy Tips That Go Beyond the Better Headline

AdStage Team 4 minute read

You’ve been here before. You’ve seen these lists. You’ve heard their promises of more conversions, more engagement, more < insert KPI here >. Yet here you are again. I’d like to think it was my can’t-miss headline, but really, it’s probably because you’re still not seeing the results you’d like from your Facebook ads.

Some of that is on Facebook and their endless algorithm changes. But some of it is inescapably on you and your team. So we’ve put together a few suggestions for you below. Will it be the last article like this you ever click on? Probably not. But will it share some new ways of thinking about your Facebook ad copy (and beyond)? Hopefully. Find your favorites below and start writing more targeted, relevant, and meaningful ad copy today.

Know Thy Brand

Defining a brand identity is a popular buzzword these days. But how many of us have actually done it, and done it well? Before you write a stick of ad copy, run through a few exercises to answer who your brand is and is not. Build an identity for your brand, just like you would for a buyer persona. Once you know who your brand is, decide how they speak, who they’re speaking to, and what your brand looks like.

Madewell Facebook Ad

Because let’s be honest, if I’m just writing ads for AdStage, a PPC reporting and automation platform , they’re going to be a whole lot less interesting than if I’m writing ads for AdStage: that smart colleague who’s always sharing interesting information with you about the latest industry news. A colleague who’s well connected and always introducing you to the smartest minds in digital marketing. And a colleague who’d gladly duck out a little early to grab a beer and talk solutions for that client issue that’s got you stuck.

Which ad would you rather read? You know what your company does, but to write compelling ad copy, you need to know who your brand is.

[Tweet "To write compelling ad copy, you need to know who your brand is. @Meg_Prater"]

Always Write to a Person (Yes, Even You B2B Marketers)

“But my brand is trying to reach professionals!” I hear you. I validate that concern. But I still call bullshit. You’re always writing to a person. Whether you’re writing ad copy for a hundred thousand dollars worth of software or a $30 blouse, the pain points, concerns, and benefits are different, but the motivation is the same. You’re audience is trying to make their lives better. That might be through a promotion because of a savvy tool that increases team efficiency, or it might be through a shirt that gives you a little more confidence in your Monday meeting.

Hubspot Facebook Ad

Never write copy to a business. Especially in Facebook ad copy. When is your audience reading your ad? Most likely, it’s when they’re taking a break from work. Want to stand out from the ads with easier sells like new running shoes or a discount massage? Write to a person and sound like a person. Which brings us to our next point.

Keep it Conversational

This is a continuation of our last point. Keep your copy conversational. Even if you’re brand voice is professional. Speak to your audience as you would in real life. If you’re sales team wouldn’t use rhymes, puns, or a thesaurus to craft their pitches to clients, why would you?

Hotel Indigo Facebook Ad

And just like a conversation, make sure you introduce yourself, ask questions, and leave your audience wanting more. You would never approach someone you’d never met at a happy hour and immediately ask them to buy software from you, so why would you craft your Facebook ad copy like that?

If you know that a batch of ads are targeting people who have either never heard of you, or those who have not engaged with you in a meaningful way, use that information as a social cue not to come on too strong. As they work through your marketing funnel, your copy can ask for more from your audience. Luckily, it can expect a much warmer reception from them as well.

Keep it Relevant & Tell a Story

Make sure you know what’s important to your customer and tell them a (very short) story about how you can meet their needs. Revisit your buyer personas and identify what their pain points are, how your product or service solves those pain points, and what your value proposition is.

ringly facebook ad

Consider the difference between an ad announcing a new vacuum with a revolutionary enhanced suction feature that meets the needs of your Patty the pet person persona. Which of the following Facebook ad copy is more appealing?

- New Suction-Plus Vacuum!

- Now with enhanced suction and better cleaning power

- Buy it today >>

- Man’s New Best Friend?

- The new Suction-Plus Vacuum can handle Fido’s fiercest shedding.

- Bye, Dog Hair >>

In the second ad, you’ve told your audience a story about how they can use your new vacuum. Instead of letting them connect the dots as to how your new suction-plus feature can make their lives better, you’ve told them exactly how it will. Therefore, you’ve immediately added value to your buyer’s lives and have hopefully gotten a click and convert.

A.B.T (Always Be Testing)

A few weeks ago, we had 3Q Senior Client Services Director Caitlin Halpert on The PPC Show to talk about testing. She recommended that when testing new ads, marketers should think bigger than simply swapping out a CTA or image. Instead, she challenged ad creators with testing entirely different ads against each other.

There’s a time and a place to test out slight wording changes, etc…, but too often, we forget to test really bold new ideas. For your next ad campaign, give each ad an entirely different design concept, value proposition, and ask. Running Facebook ads isn’t cheap, so make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck and pushing your advertising to exciting new places that inspires your team and your audience to action.

By the end of one or two of these testing rounds, you might be surprised at the meaningful and actionable takeaways you’ll be able to use to make your advertising budget go further.

Remember, You Know Best

In the end, no list of tips and tricks for writing better Facebook ad copy is going to trump the knowledge you have of your product, your audience, and your past wins and losses. When in doubt, go with your gut and the historical and completely unique knowledge that only you and your team possess. It’s important for your brand and your ad copy to continue to evolve and improve, but take what you’ve learned along the road to inform, rather than dictate.

AdStage Team