Digital Marketing

7 Resources to Improve Your Video Strategy in 2019

AdStage Team 2 minute read

If there’s one trend that dominated the digital ad landscape in 2018, it was video. And from new platform capabilities to stats like 25% of all US digital advertising is now video , there’s no sign on of it slowing down. We covered video in our 2019 digital marketing trends post and see live video as an opportunity for marketers to get in the game, but also stand out. Especially when you hear that this Livestream study found that 80% of respondents would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog (Oh shoot, does that mean we should be vlogging this instead?!).

With video dominating the airwaves, we dug up a few resources to help amp up your strategy, and give you some new ideas to try:

5 Facts You Need to Know about Video Ads shared this super helpful graphic about the ads that are the most memorable:

Source: Forbes

This post, about How B2B Marketers Can Use Facebook Video Ads to Drive Leads , suggests the easiest way to get started is to look at the content you’ve already made – webinars and webcasts, downloadables, and services, products, and tools.

This podcast, which discusses What Makes a Great Facebook Video Ad cites relevancy to your audience as the number one thing to consider when putting a video ad together.

Though this post, How to Use Facebook Mobile Video Ads for Powerful KPI Lift , is a few years old, it highlights some important basics that may have gotten lost in the shuffle, like “Make use of bold brand colors, themes and imagery at the start of your video to connect audiences with your ad and make emotional associations quickly to ensure your ad is memorable. You can start your video with lifestyle or product shots, recognizable spokespeople, action scenes or vivid backgrounds to spark interest.”

When Twitter finally turned a profit in Q1 of 2018, the company gave a lot of credit to video ads. This informative step-by-step post walks you through How To Set Up Your First Twitter Video Ad Campaign .

Source: Dennis Shiao

This post on 5 Reasons LinkedIn’s New Video Ads Are the B2B Marketer’s Secret Weapon highlights one of our favorite current trends: marketers connecting their work directly to ROI. As the post mentions, “By using the platform’s conversion tracking powered by the LinkedIn Insight Tag, marketers can see post-click and view-through conversions of their LinkedIn ad campaigns.”

Here’s a post that uncovers Which Platform Is More Effective for Video Marketing: Facebook vs. YouTube . We won’t ruin the verdict for you but will share this interesting tidbit: Product videos (not brand videos) are now key at the conversion stage of the buying cycle.

With an estimated $17.5 billion dollars earmarked for video ads this year, there’s never been a better (or more crucial) time to make video a healthy part of your marketing mix.

AdStage Team