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AdStage Aggressively Moves Forward With Additional Funding, Strategic Google Hires, And An iPad App Acquisition

AdStage Team 3 minute read

One of first investments by David Sacks and Jason Calacanis' LAUNCH Fund, two key hires from Google's AdWords team and acquiring the first AdWords reporting app for iOS to advance the AdStage Platform.

SAN FRANCISCO, June 21, 2013 -- AdStage, the cross-network advertising platform originally revealed at LAUNCH Festival 2013, announced additional funding by LAUNCH Fund, two strategic hires from the Google AdWords team, and the acquisition of the first AdWords reporting app, Semply, for iPad, aggressively moving AdStage forward post launch. AdStage has granted exclusive beta access to over 1,300 brands and businesses, allowing them to run campaigns across Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook and LinkedIn from a single, intelligent interface. AdStage now adds $100,000 in additional seed funding from The LAUNCH Fund. The LAUNCH Fund was created on stage by David Sacks and Jason Calacanis in 2013. To date, AdStage has raised $1.53M in total funding. The capital will be used to develop the platform's advanced features, expand the team and continue to bring the product to an ever growing market.

AdStage has hired two former members of Google's AdWords team to further develop and market the platform. With the main focus on providing customers with best of breed advertising, having team members that have played key roles in these areas was vital to AdStage taking aggressive market share. Sam Mazaheri, joins AdStage as Director of Marketing and Product. Tom Chokel joins AdStage as a software engineer. After leaving Google, Chokel recently developed the Semply iPad App, the world's first full-featured AdWords iOS app, which was acquired by AdStage.

"We've built AdStage to make online advertising easy and accessible to the masses. Our goal is to become the starting point for online advertising by enabling businesses to gain an instant presence across all networks," says Sahil Jain, co-founder and CEO of AdStage. "We make sense of cryptic ad data to help advertisers optimize for their best placements. Online advertising is becoming a necessary acquisition method for businesses of all sizes. We're making it easy by bringing everything under one roof."

"Today, you have expensive agencies, barebones native interfaces and hard to use enterprise tools that are only accessible to top spenders. There are no simple and accessible self-serve tools to advertise across the growing number of networks. It's a shame. We intend to fix that while also educating advertisers with the insights they need to make high-impact changes."

AdStage also announced the acquisition of Semply, the world's first full-featured Google AdWords reporting application for iPad . In a little over the first month of its launch, Semply reported over $110 Million in indexed ad spend and is used by over 1,500 advertisers to analyze AdWords campaigns on the go. The iOS app has been rebranded as "AdStage -Your Analytics Dashboard for Google AdWords" and is available in the App store. It will remain completely free as the company works on its next update.

AdStage will gradually open up the beta of its cross-network advertising app, AdStage Express, to more businesses, bringing the total number of businesses with access to over 1,300. The most recent release added advanced targeting support for search and social networks, previewable demo dashboards, and a number of bug fixes and performance enhancements. The AdStage team is now focusing on the product's bold next iteration for a Summer release.

About AdStage

AdStage is a self-serve cross-network ad campaign creation, deployment and management platform. It allows you to build your campaigns once from a single interface, define your goals, deploy across multiple networks in search, social and mobile, and analyze results under one roof. AdStage optimizes your spend against your goals. Its pre-flight recommendation mechanism, ad staging, uses predictive algorithms to tell you where to advertise, how much to spend, and why before you spend a dollar. With investment of over $1.5M from Freestyle Capital, Quest VP, Dave McClure/500S, Digital Garage, LAUNCH Fund, XG Ventures,Mark Mullen and Stewart Alsop. To learn more about AdStage, visit

About the LAUNCH Fund

The LAUNCH Fund was created in 2013 by Yammer founder David Sacks and LAUNCH Festival founder Jason Calacanis. It is a special purpose fund, investing only in the winners of the LAUNCH Festival, which is held yearly in San Francisco. Visit for more information.

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