Digital Marketing

AdStage All-in-one Ad Platform Announces New Funding, New Platform API and First Integrated Partner Apps at LAUNCH Festival

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The “Best Business” Winner Raises $1 Million in Additional Funding and Announces Four Integrated Apps Along with a New App Partnership Program Bringing Even More Apps onto the Platform

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — February 24, 2014 — AdStage, the self-serve cross-network advertising platform that offers businesses a single place to build, manage and optimize ad campaigns across search, social, mobile and display ad networks, returned today to the LAUNCH stage where it won “Best Business” last year in order to demonstrate the platform’s progress and announce $1 million in new funding, new apps from complementary tool providers like Wordtracker , Optimizely and Unbounce , along with a new App Partnership Program and Platform API to allow developers to integrate additional apps into the platform.

“We’ve come a long way since we launched our first product, AdStage Express, on this stage last year,” says Sahil Jain, CEO and co-founder of AdStage. “The LAUNCH audience was incredibly receptive to our vision so it’s fitting to return and show our extraordinary growth. In the time since, we’ve become a complete campaign management and analytics platform for businesses advertising across Google, Bing, Facebook & LinkedIn and we now offer a full suite of complementary apps under one roof which save advertisers time and dramatically improve their performance.”

New Funding

AdStage also announced it has raised $1 million in additional seed funding by Digital Garage, an existing investor known for their high profile investment in Twitter. This brings total funding to more than $2.5 million since the company launched last year. The new capital allows AdStage to continue investing in its engineering talent to bring the team of 11, only 7 at last year’s LAUNCH, to well over 20 this year.

“The industry has historically punished ‘ad tech’ companies because they were really agencies masquerading as tech companies,” Jain added. “We’re ushering in a new era of ad technology and using this new capital to pour fuel on that fire. We’re aggressively hiring and pushing forward in full force.”

New Apps

During its presentation at LAUNCH, AdStage also revealed a handful of new apps that expand the platform’s functionality for advertisers. The highly anticipated Ad Scrambler, developed in-house by AdStage, allows advertisers to quickly create and AB test dozens of ad variations across multiple networks automatically. AdStage has also integrated the first AdStage Partner Apps into the platform covering PPC keyword discovery and landing page optimization. The new Wordtracker keyword discovery app helps advertisers find relevant keywords to populate their paid search campaigns without leaving AdStage. Additionally, new apps for Unbounce and Optimizely allow advertisers to build and test landing pages to maximize the revenue they generate from each click. With the inclusion of these apps, there are now ten apps available today within AdStage with another eight future apps in the pipeline.

"We’re excited to bridge the gap between landing page optimization and campaign management as an AdStage App Partner," said Rick Perreault, Co-founder & CEO of Unbounce. "Landing pages are critical to online advertising and AdStage is making it easy for advertisers to implement high-performing landing pages with Unbounce.”

New Partnership Program & Platform API

AdStage also announced a new App Partnership Program which allows developers of complementary marketing apps to integrate their products directly into AdStage using the new AdStage Platform API. Like Wordtracker, Unbounce and Optimizely, AdStage App Partners are then able manage, market and monetize their apps to thousands of advertisers on AdStage through the app gallery and co-marketing campaigns. Additional AdStage App Partners include ReTargeter , Bigstock , Canned Banners , MixRank and Thinkstock by Getty Images . Developers can apply to the program at .

"Our goal with apps isn’t to create a massive marketplace,” said Sahil Jain. “The idea is to bring the most relevant and high-value cohort of apps under one roof for paid marketing, make them easy to access within the context of campaign management and extend the feature set of AdStage for our users."

Stats and Customers

The AdStage Platform is available now with promotional beta pricing of only $99 per month with a 30-day free trial, down from $250 per month. Over 6,000 businesses have joined the wait list and paid customers include New Relic , Hired , Cotap , Tapsense , Happy Inspector and AdRise . AdStage has over $500,000 of daily budgeted ad spend between 8,600 active campaigns across all Google, Facebook, Bing & LinkedIn, along with over $9 million in indexed ad spend from the past four weeks alone. AdStage is now focusing on growing its user base, expanding support for new ad networks and ad types and growing the team. For more information and to sign up visit .

About The AdStage Platform

The AdStage Platform is a self-serve cross-network online advertising platform with full management and analytics across search, display, social and mobile ad networks like Google, Bing, Facebook & LinkedIn. It's an all-in-one marketing platform, complete with an integrated app system, for advertisers of all sizes. With investment of over $2.5MM from Freestyle Capital , Digital Garage, Quest VP , Dave McClure/ 500Startups , LAUNCH Fund , XG Ventures , Double M Partners , Stewart Alsop and more .

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