AdStage Products , Quora Ads

AdStage Announces New Integration with Quora Ads

AdStage Team 2 minute read

AdStage is excited to announce our newest integration with Quora Ads . Currently, AdStage offers integrations with all the major ad platforms, including Fac ebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, Bing, Twitter, Yahoo Gemini, and YouTube. We’re thrilled to add Quora Ads to that list to give marketers a complete look at all the ad data available in their cross-channel dashboards. At AdStage, we don’t just collect data from different channels, we store it, normalize it, and connect it — automatically. We’re the only paid media analytics software that can do all that!

In addition to ad networks, AdStage also allows you to integrate with down-funnel conversion sources like Google Analytics and Salesforce so you can optimize based on actual sales closes, not just top-of-funnel vanity metrics.

Why AdStage integrated with Quora Ads

  • Growing Ad Network: Quora has 300M+ users and is growing. Marketers are noticing the expanding audience and shifting budgets from paid search and social over to Quora Ads.
  • High Intent Audience: Because Quora is a Q&A platform, users go to Quora seeking answers and are often receptive to advertising.
  • We Felt the Pain: We use Quora Ads for our own campaigns and saw an opportunity for faster, cross-channel-channel reporting.

How the Quora Ads integration works

Quora Ads integrates into our Report product. You can gain campaign insights, compare numbers across other ad networks, and instantly share dashboards with team members and clients. Since AdStage can pull blended data it will appear alongside other networks like Facebook and Google so you can optimize ads on the channels that drive results.


Why should you be using Quora Ads

What is Quora?

Quora describes itself as “a place to gain and share knowledge. It's a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers.”

How does advertising on Quora work?

With all the noise on the internet, the best way for brands to connect with customers is when the customer has a problem a brand can solve. People come to Quora to look for answers. As a brand, you know you want to be where your customers are. If you’re not familiar with advertising on Quora Ads, it won’t take long to get up to speed. There’s a great Q&A about Quora Ads on Quora. How meta! Also, this page from “Quora Ads for Business” is an informative read.

What do ads on Quora Ads look like?

Quora Ads provides paid marketers with an option of three ad formats: Image, Text, and Promoted Answers. All three ad types are now available with the AdStage integration .

Image Ad

Text Ad

Promoted Answer

Some cool things you can do with your ad data using AdStage

  1. Connect and visualize all your cross-network advertising performance metrics with only a few button clicks.
  2. Instantly share dashboards with team members and clients.
  3. Import your conversion data to easily generate and analyze reports to understand the ROI/ROAS of your campaigns.
  4. Define your own KPIs using existing metrics across all ad networks for streamlined reporting and automated rules.
  5. Apply 100+ metrics and advanced name and metric-based filters to drill down into the exact ad performance views you need.
  6. Automate your regular reporting with web-based, PDF, or Excel reports that are refreshed and sent out on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.
  7. Analyze how each ad entity contributes to down-funnel goals by linking to Google Analytics goals and Salesforce conversions.

To start using the Quora Ads integration start your free AdStage trial now!

AdStage Team