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AdStage’s Q2 2018 Paid Media Benchmark Report

AdStage Team 1 minute read

What’s a good conversion rate? How much should you pay for a click on Facebook? How about other networks, like Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Bing?

These questions are top-of-mind for performance marketers in any industry. To help find the answers, every quarter, AdStage aggregates data from tens of millions of impressions and clicks across all the major advertising platforms to create our Quarterly Paid Media Benchmark Reports .

The numbers for Q2’2018 are in, and we’re happy to share the results. Our 70-page report shows data from 8.5 billion impressions and 93 million clicks on the AdStage platform. You'll see media CPC, CPM, and CTR for Facebook ads (News Feed, the Audience Network, and FB Messenger), Google Ads (Search and Display), YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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For performance and lead generation marketers, this data offers insights into how to allocate ad budgets in this changing environment. It's also a way benchmark your advertising campaign success.

A few curious facts and stats

Facebook ads costs increase on the Audience Network

  • On Facebook News Feed, CPCs decreased from $0.48 to $0.43 QoQ. Median CPCs are down by 23% over the past two quarters.
  • Facebook News Feed CPMs have decreased by almost 25% compared to the end of last year.
  • CPCs on the Facebook Audience Network soared to a record high in Q2 2018. Based on our median benchmarks, advertisers paid $0.50 per click -- a 163% increase from the Q1 2018 benchmark.

benchmark report

Google Ads costs on the Display Network drop 20%

  • Median CPCs for Google Ads remained mostly flat -- just a 3% increase from Q1 benchmark
  • AdStage advertisers paid $2.24 per thousand impressions for ads running on the Google Display Network partner websites and apps.The new median price reflects a 20% drop from Q1 2018.
  • CTRs on the Google Display Network remained flat quarter-over-quarter at 0.35%. On the AdStage platform, we’ve seen a 25% increase for median CTRs year-over-year.

q2 benchmark report

Get all the data in our quarterly report

Our Q2 2018 Benchmark Report shows costs and click-through rate benchmarks for each major advertising network -- Google Ads (Search and Display), Facebook (News Feed, FAN, and FB Messenger), Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Bing. In this installment, we also added key product updates for each network, plus tips and advice from top performance marketers in the industry. Grab your free copy now!

AdStage Team