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AdStage’s Q3 2018 Paid Media Benchmark Report

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Whoever said “ Everything in life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everybody else is doing,” was clearly not in marketing. For digital marketers, comparison is the holy grail. Is my conversion rate above average, or am I severely behind standards? I’m paying 63 cents for my Facebook Newsfeed clicks — what is everyone else spending? Should I take more of my money to Google instead?

The answers are here! Every quarter, AdStage aggregates data from tens of millions of impressions and clicks across the major advertising platforms to create our Quarterly Paid Media Benchmark Reports . This quarter, we sifted through over 9.3 billion impressions and over 85 million clicks to deliver a report chock-full of useful numbers and comparative data points. You'll see media CPC, CPM, and CTR for Facebook ads (News Feed, the Audience Network, and FB Messenger), Google Ads (Search and Display), Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and Bing.


Here’s a quick peek into what we found:

Facebook Newsfeed CPC was the highest it’s been all year

Key Takeaways

  • Advertisers paid a median $0.55 per click — a 27.9% increase from last quarter

  • CPC this quarter was up 19.6% from where it was in Q3 2017

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CTR continues to fall on Google Search

Key Takeaways

  • Marketers saw a median CTR of 3.29% throughout Q3

  • CTR dropped 19.1% from last quarter and is down 51.8% from where it was the same time last year

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There’s lots more — Get all the data in our quarterly report

Our Q3 2018 Benchmark Report reveals costs and click-through rate benchmarks for each major advertising network — Facebook ads (News Feed, the Audience Network, and FB Messenger), Google Ads (Search and Display), Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and Bing. You’ll also find key product updates for each network, plus tips and advice from top performers in the industry. Get your free copy now!

AdStage Team