Twitter Ads , Google Ads , This Week in Ad News

AdWords Attribution, Takeaways from Mary Meeker, and more...

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.

FOR THE WEEK OF June 7, 2016

How to Do Mobile Social Media Advertising the Right Way

Social Media Advertising: Why You Need to Keep Up with Mobile Demand It’s an end of an era — mobile media consumption officially surpasses desktop. In fact, the mobile marketing and advertising sector is projected to grow into a $100 billion industry this year. More consumers than ever are relying on their mobile phones to power life on-the-go... Read More...

by Alyx Gatti | @AlyxGatti


Twitter Unveils Ad Carousel Featuring User Tweets
New Swipeable Ad Unit Can Include Videos, Images, Text...

Coming Soon: New Instagram Business Tools
Business profiles, Insights, and Promote will be available to businesses...

Adwords’ New Extra Headline: 7 Ways to Make the Most of It
Google announced expanded text ads at Google Performance Summit...

IBM Announces Watson-powered Ads That Think
The new “cognitive ads,” launching this fall...


How to Target Your Facebook Ads to Business Locations
Discover how to serve ads to people who work at specific companies...

A New Guide to Attribution with Adwords
Best practices about what you need to do to go beyond last-click...

How Micro Targeting And Micro Messaging Drives Your PPC Forward
How to leverage data to drive increased engagement and conversion rates...

A Seven Step B2B Adwords Tracking Audit
A primer on setting up conversion tracking the right way...


Where Do the Biggest Brands Spend Their Marketing Dollars?
The most valuable brands are betting on search...

11 Takeaways from Mary Meeker's 2016 Internet Trends Report
The report points toward a mobile-first future for online advertising....

Facebook's New Algorithm Causing Publishers to Reach 42% Fewer People
Stories in May reached an average of 68K compared to 117K in January...

Most Small Businesses Are Discovered Online First
Why not have a mobile-optimized presence too?

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