Microsoft Advertising

Bing Search Share at All-Time High

AdStage Team 1 minute read

comScore Explicit Core Search Share Report

ComScore today released its monthly comScore qSearch report of the US search landscape for April. Naturally, Google led the market in April, but its market share slipped 0.6 points to 66.5%. Bing improved 0.4 points to 17.3% market share and Yahoo! improved 0.2 points to 12.0%. This is a record high for Bing and, given that Yahoo! search is powered by Bing, nearly a third of searches in April were powered by Bing!

It's more important than ever to include the Yahoo! Bing network in your PPC efforts.

It's more important than ever to include the Yahoo! Bing Network in your PPC efforts to capture new customers where they search. In fact, nearly 50 million unique searchers in the US  can only be reached through ads on Yahoo! Bing Network and not through Google search. If you're having a tough time launching optimized search campaigns on multiple ad networks, use AdStage Express to simultaneously build, deploy, and manage online ad campaigns across Google (including Ask & AOL), Bing (including Yahoo!), Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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