Twitter Ads

Connecting Twitter Lead Gen Cards to HubSpot Smart Lists

AdStage Team 4 minute read

Twitter provides many options to connect their Lead Generation Cards to marketing automation systems, with the exclusion of one very popular platform, HubSpot. In this post you’ll learn why people share their contact information, how to connect your Lead Gen Cards to HubSpot, and how to populate your Leads into a Smart list.

The Psychology of Sharing Personal Information

Most people are rightfully guarded against sharing their name & email address with unfamiliar companies on Twitter . It’s up to you to get the conversation started on the right note.

Provide your audience with something of value that will benefit their life, be it personal or work related. If you are successful, then you have the law of reciprocity working in your favor.

As Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. wrote in his popular book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion ,

The Rule of Reciprocity firmly states that we are all bound — even driven — to repay debts of all kinds. Someone does something for you. Then you feel obligated to repay. It's an almost automatic reaction.”

The viewer of the lead gen card won’t hesitate sharing their contact information if they are receiving something of value from you. There are certain expectations you must meet before an audience is willing to share their personal information.

1. They want to receive something that solves a problem.

Avoid the sales pitch on your first impression. It’s OK to focus on your product, but do it in a way that solves a pain point for the customer. A few examples that work well include:

  • Discount codes
  • Exclusive beta access invites
  • Whitepaper downloads
  • Exclusive online course enrollment

2. Establish a mutually beneficial relationship.

The relationship doesn’t have to end after the first impression. If you continually provide valuable content to your leads, they will view your company as a source for expert advice. However, don’t get too carried away and start spamming your prospects. Quality always trumps quantity.

If you’re successful in fulfilling these expectations you may also benefit from your audience sharing your content with their network. Social sharing is a good indicator that you are providing a real solution to a current problem.

Automate Your Lead Nurturing

There are many reasons that you should automate your lead collection and messaging. Let’s take a quick look at a few.

Scalability. It’s simply not efficient to manually download leads, upload them into your marketing software and create unique messaging for each batch. You may be able to manage one lead gen ad, but you’ll eventually want to run multiple campaigns, each with unique content drip experiences.

Being responsive and capitalizing on the recency effect of your ads is key to being engaged. If you wait hours, let alone days, it’s very likely that your message will be lost in the noise of all the other marketing communication. You will also run the risk of your message being flagged as spam if your lead didn’t remember sharing their information.

Automating your lead experiences also provides you with the flexibility to focus on rapid iteration and testing. You can easily create different experiences for different segments within your marketing automation software.

How Much is Too Much

It’s important to give your leads an option to unsubscribe to your messaging, but more importantly to subscribe to additional sources of your content. Once you deliver what you promised in your Lead Generation Card, provide your leads the option to access your newsletters, podcasts, and other media. Leads who opt-in are more valuable than those who only clicked your original ad for the free stuff. Remember, this is a top-of-funnel lead gen strategy. Keep your conversation light and valuable.

Lead Generation Cards to HubSpot

Let’s get into the specifics on how to connect your ads to HubSpot lists. If you need a quick primer on building lead gen cards, we have a great post here .

There are three parts to building this workflow:

  1. A HubSpot Form
  2. A Lead Generation Card
  3. A HubSpot Smart List

1. Build Your Form

    1. Navigate to Contacts > Forms
    2. Create a new form and give it a name
      Hubspot Form Name
    3. Create your form with these two fields:
      • Email (Single-line text)
      • Twitter Username (Single-line text)
        Hubspot Form Fields
    4. Save your form and take note of the URL that is displayed in the browser. It will appear in this format:
      • {Hub ID}/{Form ID}/ edit/
      • You will need to modify this URL to use within the Twitter Lead Generation Card.

Hubspot Form URL

2. Build a Lead Generation Card

    1. Create a new Lead generation card. ( Here’s a quick primer )
    2. Add your content to the card.
      • Short Description (max 50 characters)
      • Card Image (1600 x 400 px)
      • Call to Action (max 20 characters)
      • Privacy Policy URL
      • Fallback URL
    3. Destination settings (Optional)
    4. Data settings
      • Submit URL
        • {Hub ID} / {Form ID}
        • Add the above URL in the Submit URL field, replacing {Hub ID} & {Form ID} with the actual details that you copied from the form you created earlier.
      • HTTP method = POST
      • Custom key names:
        • Name = Name (Hubspot doesn’t have a default full name field. You can create a custom property if you would like to capture the leads full name)
        • Email = email
        • Screen Name = twitterhandle
    5. Add a Unique Card Name
    6. Click Create Card
    7. Twitter will test your card. You should be able to see your personal Twitter username in your HubSpot form submissions.

Twitter Lead Gen Card Data Settings

3. Build a HubSpot Smart List

Now that you have your leads flowing into HubSpot, you’ll want to build your marketing automation workflows. The easiest way to get started is to build a Smart list that is triggered by your form completions. You’ll then be able to create Workflows using this Smart list.

    1. Navigate to Contacts > Lists
    2. Create a New List
    3. Segment by Form submission & choose the form you created in the earlier step.
    4. Give your form a name, leave Smart selected, and Save.

You can continue to build Smart lists to further segment your leads based on your lead behavior. Did they respond to your initial email message? Did they visit your pricing page after receiving your content? There are endless ways to engage with your leads and keep them in the conversation.

Get Started Today

This guide should get you running with your first Twitter Lead Generation Card to HubSpot integration. From here you can explore more possibilities with segmenting Smart lists, rapid campaign iteration, and building out engaging content drips for your leads.

We have a great guide, “ How to Leverage Marketing Automation with Social Ads ” that will help get you started.

AdStage Team