Facebook Ads

Creating Better Facebook Ads With Page Insights

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Are you the admin of a Facebook Page? If it’s kept active and has a following, there’s a wealth of potential insight about your audience at your fingertips You can even use this data to guide experiments and improve your Facebook Ads! This post will walk you through some examples of Page Insights to show you how you can apply the data to create better performing ads.

Using Page Insights With Ads

Facebook’s Page Insights reveal a lot about the people that engage with your brand and how they go about it. Once armed with these learnings, you can apply them to your strategy to improve your Facebook ads.

facebook page see insights

You can access these insights as a page admin by visiting your brand page and clicking “See Insights” in the top right of the Admin Panel. Once inside, you’ll be able to view the full suite of insights Facebook provides to learn about your fans and see how they engage with your brand.

Let’s check out the sections Facebook advertisers will find most interesting :

1. People Engaged

facebook page insights people engaged

What it shows: Rather than simply seeing who likes your page, this insight will reveal data about the people who have actually interacted with it recently. That means people who have liked, commented, or shared your posts in the past 28 days.

How to find it: You can access it from Page Insights by clicking the “People” tab followed by “People Engaged.”

How to use it: You can use the People Engaged insight to:

  • Discover the age of your most engaged Facebook fans.
  • Discover the gender of your most engaged Facebook fans.
  • Discover the location of your most engaged Facebook fans.

With this data, you can start testing ads that target these attributes in hopes of earning better results by focusing your spend on only the most engaged audience.

For example, an advertiser found that women on Facebook between the ages of 25-34 are more engaged with their brand than women aged 35-44, even though their performance in retail stores differs. The advertiser may then create new ads that target younger women exclusively on Facebook, resulting in a higher CTR and better results from their campaign.

2. Post Types

facebook page insights post types

What it shows: This insight shows the average reach and engagement of each of the three different post types: Status, Photo & Link.

How to find it: You can access it from Page Insights by clicking the “Posts” tab followed by “Post Types.”

How to use it: You can use the Post Types insight to discover which post type your Facebook fans engage with most. (You can ignore the Reach metric since paid reach isn’t limited the way organic reach is because throwing money at it solves that problem .) Then use your findings to choose which post types to promote more frequently with ads, or to guide your ad creation.

For example, if you find your photos have the highest average engagement, you could begin to promote image posts or focus on creating news feed ads with large images.

3. When Your Fans Are Online

facebook page insights when fans are online

What it shows: This insight looks at the last week and reports the days and times when your audience is on Facebook. (Note that the times shown reflect your computer’s time zone.)

How to find it: You can access it from Page Insights by clicking the “Posts” tab followed by “When Your Fans Are Online.”

How to use it: You can use the this insight to create ads that consider the days and times your audience is most active on Facebook.

For example, a florist may find that their audience is typically online when their store is still open. This may lead them to change their ad’s copy to promote more calls and in-person visits than online orders.

4. All Posts Published

facebook page insights posts

What it shows: This insight shows the engagement metrics of each post published in the past 3 months.

How to find it : You can access it from Page Insights by clicking the “Posts” tab, then scrolling down to “All Posts Published.”

How to use it: You can use the All Posts Published insight to find individual posts with above average reach and engagement. If any stand out as top performers, consider promoting them or build ads with similar characteristics or structure.

For example, an ecommerce site may find that posts about sweaters are performing especially well on Facebook this month. This may lead them to start featuring sweaters more prominently in their ads.

What Can It Do For You?

Using your Facebook page insights is by no means a silver bullet for all advertisers, but it is a helpful tool for your toolkit. You never know where you’ll find the next insight that will take your campaign performance to the next level. For many advertisers, these insights will help guide effective audience targeting and craft high-performing ads!

This post was originally published at FBPPC.com .

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