The PPC Show

Expanding Campaigns Using First Party Data

AdStage Team 2 minute read

This week's guest of honor on AdStage’s #PPCPodcast was none other than Joe Kerschbaum of 3Q . Lover of agency life, Joe also runs his own podcast and speaks at major conferences.

He’s been a around the block; a part of the digital space since 2000, when Yahoo was the big player. And Today, he showed us his go-to method to significantly grow your target audience using your email lists: Check it out below!

Three types of ad data

First party data your company collects and owns

Second party complimentary companies engaging in data share

Third party data collected by larger companies and sold for use

Leveraging your first party data

There are two great ways to do this

  • Retargeting
  • Audience creation


Within your CRM, export your email lists. The next step is to upload the file to Custom Audiences on Facebook, Customer Match on Google AdWords, and Twitter’s Tailored Audience . These platforms will automatically match you with users who have made accounts with the same email addresses. Be warned, you will most likely lose half of the email addresses on your list. The ones that do go through, are ready to be retargeted.

Audience Creation

Using Google Similar Audiences and Facebook Lookalike Audiences , is like the marriage of your first party data and their third party data. Once again, you’ll upload your email list onto the platforms. Taking Custom Audiences and Audience Match to the next level, certain attributes of the user bank are used to determine a pattern of web behavior. These attributes can include content users are looking at and queries they’re running, just to name a few. Google and Facebook will take this info, work a little bit of magic, and match them with other users with similar behavior.

With this information you can make audiences of all sizes. Reach out to the creme of the by crop selecting the top one percent most similar users. Or gain a larger audience with a 10% distribution rate. It’s all up to you.

Tips for Success

Go Big

When gathering your lists, size really does matter. To account for the approximate 50% match rate, it’s always to keep your email lists long. The magic number seems to be 10,000 to 20,000 people per list. This may seem out of range for small to medium sized businesses. Just be cautious to avoid over segmentation.

Where to Start

This depends on your business. If you’re a lead-based B2B company with a low rate of people returning to make another purchase, you may want to focus on people who haven’t converted yet.

On the flipside, those counting on customers to make a second purchase should start by segmenting at the CRM level. From there, the possibilities are endless. Getting creative with how you segment can work to your advantage. If you want, start at previous converters or non-converters. You can even segment towards one-time, multiple, or big purchasers. Using different audiences can be very valuable.

Stay Organized

Since there is no integration tool to automate the complexity, stay organized. Do your segmentation at the CRM list level. To make things less complicated, try labeling your lists in a way to avoid confusion.

Name your list after who you’re talking about, for example, previous converters . Include a timeframe, past three months . Then date it, 4/7/2016. This is a surefire way to keep track of who you’re targeting.

Get Up and Running

Using your first party data to leverage the power of Facebook and Google can help you effectively expand your campaigns. If you haven’t already started taking advantage of these useful tools, what are you waiting for?

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