Facebook Ads , Benchmark Reports

Facebook CPC, CPM, and CTR Benchmarks

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Should you put more budget to News Feed, or is Right Hand Placement the way to go? Facebook offers marketers the most options when it comes to ad placement, but what performs the best?

Read on to see what we found after we analyzed nearly 1.3 billion impressions and over 26 million clicks for Facebook News Feed, Right Hand Placement, Marketplace, Audience Network, and Messenger to surface median CPC, CPM, and CTR for each.

Be sure to read the Q3 2019 PPC Benchmark Report for additional ad performance trends. And, check out our Benchmark Report page for the latest reports by quarter.

Facebook News Feed CPC Q3 2019 at-a-glance

From the over 1.12 billion ad impressions and over 16 million clicks analyzed in Q3 2019 for Feed placement ads, here's what we found for CPC:

Q3 2019 Facebook News Feed ad performance data from 1.12B Impressions, 16MM Clicks
Source: AdStage Inc .

Median CPC decreased slightly to $0.57 since last quarter, while it is significantly lower than it was a year ago in Q3 2018.

Key Takeaways

  • CPC decreased by 11% since Q2 2019
  • CPC decreased by 24% year over year since Q3 2018

Facebook Right-Hand Placement CTR for Q3 2019 at-a-glance

From the ad impressions and clicks we analyzed in Q3 2019 for Right Hand placement ads, here's what we found for CTR:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 1.42.11 PM
Q3 2019 Facebook Right-Hand Placement ad performance data
Source: AdStage Inc .

Key Takeaways

  • CPC for Right-Hand Placement is the same as Marketplace, but the CTR is .50% lower.

Facebook Marketplace Placement CPM for Q3 2019 at-a-glance

From the ad impressions and clicks we analyzed in Q3 2019 for Facebook Marketplace ads, here's what we found for CPM:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 1.44.45 PM

Q3 2019 Facebook Marketplace Placement ad performance data
Source: AdStage Inc .

Key Takeaways

  • CPM cost about the same for Messenger and Marketplace, but Marketplace CTR is nearly double.

Facebook Audience Network CPC for Q3 2019 at-a-glance

In Q3 2019, we analyzed ad impressions and clicks for ads in Facebook’s Audience Network. Here's what we found for CPC:

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Q3 2019 Facebook Audience Network ad performance data
Source: AdStage Inc .

Key Takeaways

  • Audience Network CPC in Q3 was the lowest of all placements.

Facebook Ad Trends Q3 2019

Users get more transparency on ad targeting: Facebook continued on its quest to make users feel more comfortable on the platform by making it easier for them to understand why an ad was being shown . Now, when someone clicks on “Why am I seeing this ad?” they’ll see detailed information like interests or categories they’ve shown an affinity for that may have been the reasons they were targeted for the ad. Facebook will also be more upfront about where it received information about a user’s interests. That means anyone can find out which advertiser uploaded a list with their information and used it to run an ad in the past 7 days.

More ads allowed in search results: Facebook is finding more ways to pack advertising opportunities into its pages. In Q3, Facebook started letting more advertisers place ads in Facebook’s search results. The company has been testing the placement since last year. ‘Facebook search’ now pops up for some advertisers when they’re creating a Newsfeed campaign. That means businesses have to place ads in Facebook search results and in the Newsfeed. So far, there is no option to target specific keywords or phrases with Facebook search ads. When a business places an ad in Facebook search, it shows up for search terms related to the business’s offerings, so make sure your Facebook business page is detailed and updated.

Lead gen option in Messenger: Good news for B2B marketers — Facebook rolled out automated lead generation in Messenger in Q3. Here’s how it works: After tapping on a click-to-Messenger ad, users go through an automated series of questions that can be answered with pre-filled or free form responses. To continue the process, businesses can integrate Messenger with their CRM provider to capture leads info. Pages can also manually continue the conversation through Pages Inbox, Pages Manager App, or a third-party live chat provider.

Mobile ads got new capabilities in the form of interactive ads: This includes AR ads and video poll ads. Through releases on Instagram ,Facebook says it’s come to recognize how much users love interaction. By opening up polls and face filters and animations in mobile ads, the platform says advertisers can expect to see time spent on ads rise.


Download the entire report for all the stats on CPM, CPC, and CTR benchmarks for Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Ads, Google Display Network, YouTube, and Microsoft Advertising Ads.

AdStage Team