Instagram Ads , Facebook Ads , Twitter Ads , Google Ads , Microsoft Advertising , This Week in Ad News

Facebook is the #1 news source, Activewear ads takeover Snapchat, and more...

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.

FOR THE WEEK OF May 31, 2016

How to Drive B2B Pipeline with Social Ads

In this series, we challenge the traditional definition of a successful campaign where the sole focus is to generate new contacts. We’ll cover how to align advertising spend with true business value, instead of using vanity metrics (i.e. number of scheduled demos). A minor shift in how you approach lead generation can positively impact sales cycles, increase close rates, and boost revenue. Enter the disciplined practice of Pipeline Marketing. Read More...

by Michael McEuen | @lonohead


AdWords to Break Up Tablet & Desktop and Enable a Mobile Base Bid
Individual device bid adjustments will roll out in the coming months...

2016 Update to Google Shopping Products Feed Specification
Your resource for understanding what information Google needs ...

Top 3 Bing Ads Improvements That Have Happened This Month
Bing Ads has released new features throughout the month of May...

Facebook Plans to Close LiveRail to Focus on Audience Network
Audience Network will expand to reach non-Facebook users...


Instagram Algorithm: How Marketers Should Alter Their Strategy
Susan B. Zimmerman helps businesses leverage Instagram...

Ads and Analytics Innovations For a Mobile-first World
The shift to mobile is no longer a change on the horizon. It’s here...

How To Get Stellar Results From Facebook And Instagram Remarketing
PPC specialists are not fully utilizing the Facebook and Instagram ads...

How Will Twitter’s New Character Rules Affect Your Advertising?
Twitter is eliminating the character tax for media attachments...


Pew Research: 62 Percent of Us Adults Get News from Social Media
Facebook is where most of the news is being discovered...

People Aren't Feeling Facebook's Reactions
Most users still hit the “like” button...

The 5 Strangest Search Terms in 2,000+ AdWords Accounts
Cautionary tales of AdWords bidding gone terribly, terribly wrong...

Snapchat Ad Data Reveals What Kinds of Brands Have Bought Into the App
Activewear marketers lead the way...

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