Instagram Ads , Facebook Ads , Google Ads , This Week in Ad News

Facebook launches delivery insights, Google redesigning AdWords, and more...

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.

FOR THE WEEK OF March 29, 2016

5 Proven Tactics to Create Powerful Instagram Ads

A growing and engaged platform, Instagram is a great place to stake your claim in the digital advertising sphere. There are nearly half a billion active users who could potentially see your ad. We are in a time where trending topics are in one day and out the next, and everyone is still trying to keep up with the Kardashians: How can your ad stay relevant?... More

by Rachel Larsen


Facebook launches Delivery Insights for Ads Manager
Facebook provides a new tool to uncover underperforming ads...

Once Bullish on Pinterest, Ad World Sees It Slipping
Advertisers are still waiting for the Pinterest promised land...

Google is Completely Redesigning AdWords
The platform is undergoing a redesign to make it easier to use.. .

Google Testing Local Results in Knowledge Panel Style Product Listing Ads
Google’s hybrid of knowledge panel and product listing ads are popular...


Use Customer Feedback To Optimize Your PPC Campaign
Nothing beats the language of your existing customer base...

Three Recent Changes to Google Shopping You Need to Be Aware Of
Google Shopping is taking center-stage as we move deeper into 2016...

Explaining The Value Of PPC To The C-Suite
Learn what it takes to get your executives to understand the day to day...

3 Ways to Analyze Facebook Video Performance
In this article you’ll discover 3 ways to analyze video posts on Facebook...


How Different Demographics 'Really Feel About Ads'
What marketers can learn about sentiment based on age groups...

3 Upcoming Trends in Paid Search
Mona Elesseily shares her predictions in the search marketing world...

The State of Cross-channel Paid Search, Part 3: SEM & Display
Josh Dreller explains how search and display can work together...

Yahoo Ad Revenue to Drop Nearly 14% This Year
Share of display and search will drop below 2%...

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