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Facebook Launches New 'Audience Insights' for Advertisers

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Facebook just launched a new tool to help advertisers analyze their target audience and see what matters to them.

Dubbed " Facebook Audience Insights ," the tool reveals your audiences locations, interests and behaviors which can help you craft messages that resonate with them to improve engagement with your ads.

Facebook Audience Insights

Available Insights

You can view several different insights on your audience:

  • Demographics — Age and gender, lifestyle, education, relationship status, job role and household size
  • Page Likes — The top Pages people like in different categories, like women’s apparel or sports
  • Location and Language — Where do people live, and what languages do they speak
  • Facebook Usage — How frequently are people in your target audience logging onto Facebook and what device(s) they are using when they log on
  • Purchases Activity — Past purchase behavior (i.e. heavy buyers of women’s apparel) and purchase methods (i.e., in-store, online)

Available Audiences

You can view insights for three different types of audiences:

  • People on Facebook in general
  • People connected to your Page or event
  • People in Custom Audiences you’ve created

Better Than Page Insights

The new Audience Insights tool should prove to be more useful than Page Insights for advertisers because it looks at both current and potential customers across Facebook. Page Insights are limited to reporting on people who've interacted with your Page already and reveal nothing about potential customers.


Facebook Audience Insights is rolling out today within the Facebook Ads Manager for US advertisers. Advertisers outside of the US can expect access to the tool the coming months. Learn more by reading the full announcement at Facebook.

AdStage Team