Facebook Ads , This Week in Ad News

Facebook Native Ads, AdWords Shopping Product Insights, and More...

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.

FOR THE WEEK OF April 12, 2016

AdBlock Plus vs. The Digital Marketer

A couple years ago, ad blockers started the ongoing war against digital advertisers. To many, applications like AdBlock Plus can be seen as a savior, rescuing helpless consumers from a sea of unwanted ads. On the other hand, ad revenue is what keeps free content free... More

by Rachel Larsen


Brands Can Now Produce Native Ads on Facebook More Effectively
Branded content and product placement are now A-OK with Facebook.. .

Campaign Analytics Expires this October- Are You Ready?
Still using Campaign Analytics in Bing Ads to track conversions...

Pinterest to Begin Selling Ads in the U.K.
The move puts Pinterest more in line with competitors like Facebook and Twitter...

Facebook Drops Branded Content Restrictions for Publishers
Publishers and other verified pages distributing branded content for free...


Five Tips for Low-risk Google Display Network Testing
Tips on testing within the GDN to determine if this is a viable channel...

No Products Left out with New Shopping Product Insights
Spot the status of your best performing products with the product status column...

Test & Validate Your Html5 Display Ads with New IAB Tool
The industry group has also updated its HTML5 for Digital Advertising Guide...

Take Our Version Of The AdWords Fundamentals Exam
PPC Hero creates their own version of the exam to test your knowledge...


Native Ads Expected to Drive $53b of Revenue by 2020: IHS
Native advertising was shown to be a dominant marketing category...

Facebook Remains the Largest Social Network in Most Major Markets
67.4% of internet users worldwide will use a social network in 2016...

7 Big Reasons Digital Marketing Rocks
Top seven reasons for being so vocal about using digital marketing...

How Often Are US Consumers Watching Video on Their Smartphones?
Nearly a quarter of US smartphone users said they viewed videos daily...

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