Facebook Ads , The PPC Show , Google Ads , This Week in Ad News

Facebook Updates Ad Metrics to Provide a More Holistic View

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This week on the PPC Show, Facebook shares more data on ad placement, Collection ads get a pre-holiday touch-up, and NASA is exploring additional monetization options. Tune in to hear the latest ad tech news from AdStage's Anya and Josh.

Show Notes:

Facebook Now Allows Advertisers to See Where Their Ads Are Running

Starting Monday this week, all Facebook advertisers can now download a full list of contextual placements where their ads might apps.

Facebook’s Dynamic Ads, Collection Ads Are Getting A Pre-holiday Touch-up

‘Tis almost the season. Facebook is rolling out a number of new features to help advertisers customize their ad campaigns.

Facebook Canvas Ads Rebrand as ‘Instant Experience’

Facebook renamed its Canvas ads to ‘Instant Experience” ads. These ads will now be automatically attached to Facebook Pixel.

Facebook Updates Ad Metrics to Provide a More Holistic View

Facebook is replacing cost metrics that only report on interactions on a single channel with metrics that report on the cost of these actions across web, mobile and offline.

Google Responsive Display Ads Roll Out As New Default Display Format

The new responsive display ads (RDA) are powered by machine learning algorithms and will be rolling out to all advertisers over the next few months.

Oath Consolidates Brightroll, One By Aol And Yahoo Gemini To ‘simplify’ Adtech Service

BrightRoll, One by AOL and Yahoo Gemini brands are now Oath Ad Platforms, a streamlined suite of advertising and publishing services operating with one unified DSP.

Corporate Sponsors for NASA? Agency to Study Making Space for Brands

NASA is exploring the possibility to offset some of its costs by selling the naming rights to its spacecraft. Will astronauts be soon signing endorsement deals?

AdStage Team