Facebook Ads

Facebook Video Ads: 5 Types of Video Content to Boost Your Conversions

AdStage Team 4 minute read

Facebook video ads have long been seen as a powerful way to boost engagement, connect with target audiences, supercharge conversions - but this is only true if you approach this strategy from the right angle.

According to one recent study , your average Facebook user clicks on about eight ads per month - and in an era where about a quarter of all American Internet users actively employ ad-blocking software, that's the type of statistic you are not in a position to ignore.

One of the most important things to understand about leveraging video ads is that not all video content is created equally. These days, generic online video content isn't going to generate the results you're after, regardless of how large your Facebook's audience grows. If you truly want to give a much-needed adrenalin injection to your conversions rates and automate the process of capturing new leads , there are a few video content formats, in particular, you'll want to explore.

1. Customer Testimonials

So much of your success in terms of using Facebook video ads to boost conversions will come down to your ability to strike an emotional chord with your audience. You need to do more than just convey information. You need to inspire someone. You need to make your prospects see themselves in your product or service. You have to help them visualize how their lives will be better once they've made a purchase than it is right now.

What better way to achieve that than to allow someone who already had this experience tell your target audience about how your products and services changed their life?

Video testimonials are great because you can see the expression on someone's face. You can hear the tone in their voice. You can look right into their eyes and see how authentic they are. They're the perfect chance for you to say to new customers "See for yourself - we worked hard to make this person's life better and we want to do the same for you, too."

Here’s an example of a customer video testimonial from Uscreen , an all-in-one video monetization platform:

If executed properly, this type of video ads is far more effective to convert your prospect audience than even the most striking ad copy can ever match.

2. Explainer Videos

One of the reasons why SVoD , and other types of video on demand platforms have become so popular these days is because they let someone have an experience on their own terms. If someone has a question, they can just go right out and get the answer - and that is something that explainer videos allow you to capitalize on.

Explainer videos are a chance to take a more clinical approach to Facebook advertising, giving your prospects insight into who you are, what you do, why you do it and how you do it better than anyone else. You can go into detail about the mission behind your brand, for example. They're also incredibly effective - one study revealed that a full 93% of businesses say that explainer videos have significantly increased user understanding of their products and services.

In this explainer video, for example, Hootsuite talks about the capabilities of their social media marketing services:

If someone understands what you offer, it's easier for them to visualize it as part of their lives. Once that happens, it makes them far more likely to make a purchase... thus sending your conversions into the stratosphere.

3. Teasers

Teasers are a particularly great type of video content to use on Facebook because they're an excellent opportunity to build anticipation. If you're about to launch an upcoming product, for example, you don't want to surprise people with it. They should know what it is and when it's available well in advance. If you can build anticipation in the right way, they won't be able to wait to place an order when they finally have the option to do so - and rest assured, that is an excellent position to be in.

Check out this recent teaser from OnePlus, creating hype around their upcoming phone:

For your teasers, provide a surface level overview of your upcoming product. Focus on the things that make it cool and unique and interesting. Don't worry about the "how" of it all - that will come later. Right now, just pull out all the stops to make your product launch feel like the type of event someone wouldn't want to miss.

4. Full Trailers

Then, as you get closer to launch, you're ready to unleash your full trailer on the Facebook community. Unlike a teaser, a full trailer gives you the opportunity to dive into the "how" and "why" of your product or service. What does it do? Why is that important? What value will this generate for someone? These are the questions a trailer should answer.

Think about it in terms of teasers and trailers for Hollywood feature films. A teaser lets you know a movie is coming out, it's flashy and cool, and by the end, you probably only know A) who is in it, and B) when it's hitting theaters. The trailer, on the other hand, dives deep into the plot - you get a sense of the story in a way that makes you want to buy a ticket right away.

Here’s an example of an awesome trailer from Apple, showing off all the capabilities of their newest iPad Pro:

When utilized properly, teasers and trailers can absolutely do the same thing for your brand, thus boosting your conversions and acting as an incredibly effective form of Facebook advertising campaign at the same time.

5. Instructional Videos

Finally, we arrive at instructional videos. These have historically been an excellent opportunity to not only show your audience how your product or service works but to show them how to use it properly. This helps them get more out of their purchase, thus increasing the likelihood that purchase happens in the first place. Keep in mind that about 64% of consumers say that they make a purchase after watching these types of branded videos.

When taken individually, each of these formats represents the type of opportunity to boost conversions that most brands would kill for. When their forces are allowed to combine, you have the makings of the type of campaign that will create the type of long-term impact with an audience that will serve your business well for years to come.

AdStage Team