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Focus on Campaign Strategy with Automate Bulk Actions

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Managing your ad campaigns individually on each network is time consuming and repetitive. Instead of dedicating resources to analyze campaign performance or refining your ad creative, you’re stuck juggling multiple open tabs to perform the same tedious optimization tasks across all your active campaigns.

Introducing some automation into your ad management workflow is a sure-fire way to avoid wasting time making the same manual across all your ad creative. If you can significantly reduce the amount of time and effort you're currently spending on tedious optimizations, you'll be able to re-allocate that time and effort into thinking about strategy, audience targeting, and testing.

What Are Automate Bulk Actions?

Bulk actions allow you to make precise optimization, in mass, across a selected group of desired accounts, campaigns, and ad creative. Make quick, sweeping changes across accounts, campaigns, ad group/ad sets, and ad creative based on the metrics or actions using simple if-then logic to apply changes to your accounts based on the criteria you set.

Bulk Actions help you efficiently optimize your accounts:

  1. Edit bids, budgets, and statuses of any campaign, group/ad set, ad, or keyword across your ad networks all at once.
  2. Gain peace of mind with real-time status email notifications that let you know the Bulk Action task successfully applied your changes.
  3. Save and run common bulk actions across multiple campaigns, ad groups / ad sets, or ad creative at the same time.

What Are Some Common Ways to Use Bulk Actions?

Quick House Cleaning: Pause All Low-Performing Ads

It’s important to run periodic reviews of your campaign’s ad performance and pause the ads performing poorly while increase spend for the ads converting the most leads. Allowing bad ads continue to receive impressions will hinder customer acquisition efforts and result in low quality scores.

Continue refining campaign performance and use Bulk Actions to automate identifying and pausing low-performing ads across all your networks; including Bing, Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Use Bulk Actions to automate identifying and pausing low-performing ads across all your networks.

For example, you may want to pause poor performing ad creative that generated a high average cost per conversion.

Looking at performance over the last 14-days:

  • Spend > $400 AND
  • Conversions > 5
  • Cost per conversion > $200
  • Then pause the ad copy

Pause Ad Creative Automate Bulk Actions via

Make Keyword Bid Adjustments in a Flash

Keyword bids directly impact campaign profitability and ultimately your ROI. For example, if you bid too low, you risk missing valuable opportunities to reach potential customers. Other the other hand if you bid too high, you’re also driving up your cost per acquisition and diminishes your returns. Edit your bids according to your desired advertising goals.

Take advantage of great performing keywords, by raising their bids so they can show in higher positions and more often.

Looking at performance over the last 30-days:

  • IF average position is <3 AND
  • IF conversions are > 5
  • IF cost / conversions < $80
  • Then Increase bid by 5%, with a maximum ceiling of $8.00.

Take Advantage of High Performing Keywords Automate Bulk Actions via

Health Check for Your Quality Scores

Search marketers interested in increasing ROI have to not only understand, but also improve Quality Scores to optimize PPC campaigns. Quality Score is a grade assigned to your paid search campaigns at the keyword level, by either Bing Ads or Google AdWords. Ad networks prefer relevant ads because they offer searchers a better user experience by displaying only the most relevant results for their search intent.

Low quality score keywords can be costly to your overall account, driving up average cost per click, and inflating cost per conversion averages. Pause poor performing keywords in one sweep with a low quality score bulk optimization.

Looking at keyword performance over the last 14-days:

  • IF Quality Score <5
  • IF average CPC > $1.25
  • IF spend > $200
  • IF cost per conversion > $100
  • Then pause the keyword

Pause Low Performing Keywords Automate Bulk Actions via

Putting It All Together

Advertisers are already seeing success with Automate. One large educational organization immediately lowered costs by $18,000 in a 28 day period with one dayparting rule . Other direct advertisers, such as HIRED, have been able to decrease their costs per acquisition by over 30% ; while agencies, like Inflow, see an average lift of 20% conversions using automated rules to adjust bids, budgets, and flighting across search and social channels.

Now you can instantly make sweeping changes across all your accounts, campaigns, ad groups / ad sets, ads, and keywords right inside Automate.

Create your first 'Bulk Action' in Automate to save time and start focusing on campaign strategy today!

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