Google Analytics

Google Analytics Reports for PPC Advertisers

AdStage Team 1 minute read

When we started building AdStage 3 years ago, we had a vision for a platform that would house all of your advertising tools in a single solution. With the addition of our Google Analytics integration, we are now giving you access to the world’s most popular analytics tool directly from AdStage.

If you’ve successfully linked your Google Analytics account, you have access to customize, schedule, and download your Google Analytics reports from the AdStage Report Center.

Here are four Google Analytics reports, available in AdStage, that PPC advertisers should analyze on a regular basis to check the health of your ad campaigns and take action for better performance.

Google Analytics Report Center

Campaign Performance

This report shows you all of your aggregated statistics at the campaign level. With this data, you can compare variations in performance per campaign. For example, Campaign A has a higher conversion rate than Campaign B. Analyzing this information allows you to know which campaigns need to be optimized further and which campaigns are already performing well.

Geo Performance

The Geo Performance report shows you how your ads are doing in different locations. You can use this information to decide what regions offer the best opportunities for you to grow your business. From there, you can reallocate your budgets to invest more ad spend in the appropriate regions. To find this report in Google Analytics, click the Audience tab, choose the Geo dropdown menu, and select Location.

Goals by Day

This report shows you how many goals you achieved each day. This report can be used to influence how you daypart your PPC ads when optimizing for conversions. If you haven’t already set-up goals in Google Analytics, the below table shows the different goal types that are available.

Google Analytics Goal Types

Search Terms Performance

This report provides detailed information on your website’s top performing search queries. You can use this report to find new high potential keywords and add them to your account. Likewise, you can easily see any poorly converting keywords in your account and immediately take action by either deleting or lowering your bids for them.

To schedule any of these reports in AdStage, first integrate your Google Analytics account and then head to the Report Center to set up your desired data points, frequency, and recipients.

AdStage Account Settings

You'll also want to make sure that you're tracking conversions in Google Analytics correctly. Plus, here are 5 of the Best Google Analytics Integrations to Improve Customer Insights .

If you aren’t currently using AdStage, sign up for your free 14 day trial today. Happy advertising!

AdStage Team