Twitter Ads

How Do I Use Twitter Tailored Audiences?

AdStage Team 1 minute read

In every practical sense, Twitter Tailored Audiences is a way to enhance your targeting on Twitter. It’s very similar to Facebook Custom Audiences . Here are the three use-cases for Twitter Tailored Audiences: Retargeting, Targeting Similar Users for Top of the Funnel Campaigns, and Exclusion Targeting.


Creating a Twitter retargeting list can be done in three different ways with Twitter Tailored Audiences.

  1. Importing a List

    The use-case here is if you have a free trial or newsletter sign-up with unpaid visitors, you can retarget these folks on Twitter to move them further down the funnel and hopefully convert them to a paying customer.

    import a Twitter Tailored Audience

  2. Website Visitors

    By adding a Twitter tracking pixel to your website, you can collect a list of people to retarget through Twitter Ads.

    create a website tag on Twitter Ads

  3. Mobile App Users

    Twitter partners with 3rd party solutions to collect mobile app conversion data. If you’re trying to acquire more mobile app users or retarget mobile app users, collect a list of mobile app users by setting up an account with one of these preferred partners.

    collect mobile app user information

Targeting Similar Users for Top of the Funnel Campaigns

In the Twitter Ads targeting page, there is an option to expand reach by targeting similar users. This works well for campaigns that are geared towards top of the funnel marketing, such as lead generation campaigns, video views, or tweet engagements.

lookalike audiences on Twitter

When selecting this targeting option, be sure to use exclusion targeting so you can reduce wasted spend on existing leads or followers.

Exclusion Targeting

Excluding a list of your customers or leads is often recommended if you’re running a lead generation campaign. This ensures that you don’t serve any wasted impressions on any leads that already exist in your database.

You can do this easily by importing a list of leads as a Tailored Audience, and excluding that Tailored Audience when building your campaign. This is where you would exclude that list in the Twitter Ads interface.

exclusion targeting on Twitter Ads

Have you tried using Twitter Tailored Audiences as part of your targeting in a campaign? Let us know what your experience was in the comments below.

And as always, the AdStage platform fully supports the same targeting as all of the native networks which means you can import and build all of your Twitter Tailored Audiences through the Audience Manager app . Sign up for your free account today to check it out.

AdStage Team