LinkedIn Ads

How to Generate Quality Leads with LinkedIn Sponsored Content

AdStage Team 2 minute read

As a marketer, you’re likely already advertising on a few major social channels like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. How do you know if you’re choosing the right channel?

If you’re a B2B brand or high-value B2C brand, you’ll likely want to reach an audience of professionals: influencers, business decision-makers, and individuals with purchasing power.

According to a recent Content Marketing Institute study, LinkedIn outperforms all other social networks in terms of achieving B2B business goals. More than 60% of B2B marketers rated the network as either effective or very effective, compared to 55% for Twitter and 32% for Facebook.

This rapidly growing global presence of 500 million professionals makes LinkedIn the ideal network to drive high quality leads through engaging content.

In this post we’ll help you determine if Sponsored Content are right for you.

Is LinkedIn Sponsored Content Right for You?

What is LinkedIn Sponsored Content?

Sponsored Content are optimized to the user’s browsing experience while they’re consuming content without disrupting the user’s content stream - whether on their desktops, tablets, or smartphones. You can leverage Sponsored Content to drive leads or build brand awareness by publishing promoted content to the LinkedIn feed, where members engage with other thought leaders. This allows you to reach a highly targeted audience of professionals beyond your LinkedIn Company Page followers.

Who Should Use LinkedIn Sponsored Content?

If you are a content, social, or demand generation marketer who want to achieve any of the following:

  1. Reach a premium, professional audience
    • One of the most valuable aspects of advertising on LinkedIn is its audience demographic. The majority of users are older than 30 with high earning and buying potential. In addition to their individual buying potential, 80% of LinkedIn users hold B2B purchasing power and impact business decisions within their organizations.
  2. Target a specific buyer persona
    • Use rich media content to reach your ideal audience using LinkedIn’s comprehensive targeting options: job title and function, seniority, industry, company, geography, education, and more.
  3. Boost content marketing campaign ROI
    • Sponsored Updates typically receive 3x - 5x engagement than standard display ads because this form of advertising is built into the visual design. Ultimately native ads serve content within the context of the user’s experience and the content they are already engaging with on their LinkedIn feed.
  4. Captivate and capture high-quality leads
  5. Step up your mobile presence
    • 75% of Sponsored Updates is consumed on mobile devices. Engage this audience with visuals that drive traffic to mobile-optimized landing pages. It's absolutely crucial you create responsive ads with landing pages for a mobile-friendly experience.

LinkedIn Ads Tactical Content Marketing Plan via

Getting started with Sponsored Content is easy. All you need is a LinkedIn Company Page as it will be your main vehicle for publishing and sponsoring content on LinkedIn.

AdStage Team