Twitter Ads

How to Measure the Performance of Your Twitter Ads

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Twitter offers its own conversion tracking solution to measure and track the efficacy of your Twitter ad campaigns. This blog post will cover how conversions are tracked, what you need to do to install the tracking pixel successfully, and additional best practices when installing the tracking pixel on your website.

How Twitter Website Conversions are Tracked

In order to report on website conversions from your Twitter Ads, you’ll need to place the conversion tracking pixel onto your website. This is the tracking code that will count conversions that occur on your website and attribute them back to your Twitter Ads.

How Twitter Conversion Tracking Pixel Works

Conversions are counted when a user interacts with your Promoted Tweet on Twitter’s web or mobile properties and completes the desired action on your website. The tracking pixel will count a conversion when the action is completed. For example, if you’re tracking sign-ups, any time a user that interacted with your ad lands on the confirmation page, a conversion will be counted.

This log is matched to the active Twitter users who viewed and/or engaged with the specific ad within the attribution window. The conversion is attributed to this ad.

Bonus Tip: When to Use Longer Attribution Windows

If you’re marketing a high-consideration product that requires a longer sales cycle, consider using longer attribution windows than the default settings for post-view and post-engagement.

Checklist for Installing the Tracking Pixel Successfully

Placing the Twitter conversion tracking pixel on your website is an absolute must in order to accurately measure campaign performance and optimize your Twitter Ads. Make sure to complete this checklist to avoid setbacks with campaign reporting:

  • Decide what to measure. You have the following options

    Twitter Ad Goal Types
  • Make a list of all of the pages you would need the pixel on to track your conversions
  • Copy and paste the entire Tracking Pixel (Note: If you’re tracking Purchase conversions, you must enter the ‘sale_amount’ and ‘order_quantity’ every time it appears before you copy and paste the code to your site)

    Example of Tracking Pixel
  • Keep a list of all the pages you installed the tracking pixel on
  • In your conversion settings, set a longer attribution window, especially for longer sales cycles, to properly attribute the post-view and post-engagement

    Attribution Windows for Twitter Ads
  • Measure view-through conversions by setting a post-view attribution window

Best Practices for Installing Your Tracking Pixel

If You Have a Separate Mobile Site, Add the Pixel on Those Pages

78% of Twitter users are mobile, so the majority of your traffic is likely to be mobile. Tagging your mobile pages captures that traffic, and helps you monitor all conversion paths.

Track Any Page Where a User Can Convert

Tagging all pages where conversions may take place allows you full view into Twitter’s contribution to your purchase funnel.

Get Started Now

You can grab your Twitter Conversion Tracking pixel directly from AdStage interface. We have full tutorial support on how to do this here . Log in to your account today to give it a try.

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