Digital Marketing

How to Personalize Landing Pages for Increased Conversions

AdStage Team 4 minute read

Nearly everyone’s received a piece of junk mail, or even an email addressed to “Resident” or “Customer.” That type of greeting couldn’t be more impersonal. The sender is asking for my business but won’t even bother to learn my name? No thanks.

That’s how landing pages can feel if you use a broad message to cater to a wide audience. To give customers a truly tailored experience, use personalized landing pages. Each page should be customized to an individual person – through channel, device, segment, stage of the sales funnel, and the overall messaging.

Why Create Multiple Landing Pages?

Creating multiple landing pages isn’t necessarily doubling, tripling, or quadrupling your work every time, but it’s certainly additional effort. But it is an effort that will pay off in the end.

1) Reduced bounce rate .

People leave a page because they can’t find what they want. If the page is carefully tailored to a customer’s needs and intent, there’s no reason for them to go elsewhere.

2) Higher engagement and more conversions .

If you’re serving up exactly what people are looking for, they’re much more likely to buy.

3) Full control .

You can tailor a landing page down to the most specific detail you know about someone, including their name. And if your product or service appeals to a few very different audiences, you can create a page with specific elements to entice each group.

4) Relevant offers .

Instead of making them sit through your introductory sales pitch again, you can lead customers down a more precise funnel. Think about how Amazon creates a tailored landing page for you based on your purchase history. When it comes to what we want, Amazon sometimes seems to know us better than we know ourselves!

custom landing pages example Tailored Amazon landing page when customers are signed in.

How To Determine The Pages To Create

In other words, how to segment your current and potential customer base. Because each page is tailored to an individual or the persona of individuals that share the same qualities, you have to figure out who these people are first. You probably have a ton of internal marketing data already, but here are a few other approaches to consider:

  • Track individual users by having them sign in or create an account (see the Amazon example above). The more information you can tie to one person, the better you’ll be able to tailor a landing page to them.
  • Consider the filters you used to set up a PPC campaign. Those custom audience filters can be applied directly to the landing page.
  • Take a look at your existing email list. If you’ve already segmented it, you can create landing pages complementary to those groups.

The main goal is to identify the type, and how many, unique landing pages you’ll need. If your product or service appeals to both CFOs and small business owners, you need to be able to separate these two groups and market to them correctly. A small business owner won’t care about some of the features a CFO can’t do without.

As you’ll see in the examples below, you can use the technology you’ve already built to create custom pages – such as filters that account for interest, age, gender, etc.

Identify What You Can Personalize

You can personalize just about everything on a landing page, as long as you have access to that information.

Here’s a list of some of the elements you can consider:

  • Visitor’s name . If junk mail companies with meager budgets can do it, so can you.
  • Company name. We’ve previously covered using social in account-based marketing , and those tactics can apply here, too.
  • Company size . If you have a robust profile of the company the customer works for, your landing page could lead with messaging like, “Mid-size agencies swear by our tools.”
  • Visitor’s job title or position . What better way to flatter someone than by calling out their status? Speak directly to the decision-makers with messaging like, “See why marketing managers from Fortune 500 companies call us a ‘go-to.'”
  • Device and browser
  • Messaging based on ads they clicked on . If website builder Squarespace is sending people to its site through a partnership with a wedding blog, their tailored landing page could be the most used wedding templates with examples of what other wedding customers created.

custom landing pages Squarespace partnership post with a wedding blog.

  • Gender . If your product or service equally serves men and women, but in different ways (a razor or a new shaving cream, for example), knowing the gender of the person (and therefore the intended use) is an easy win.
  • Age . Gifts curation company UncommonGoods has a super simple approach to landing pages; they send certain ad clicks to e-comm results surfaced through a filter. A search for “gifts for teens” brings up an ad that leads to a page filtered for “gifts for teens 15 and up.”

custom landing pages Search results for “gifts for teens.”

custom landing pages UncommonGoods landing page when clicking through on “gifts for teens.”

  • Geographic location – When housing finder Zillow knows a person’s location of interest, they can send them straight to a page listing houses in that area.

custom landing pages Zillow’s personalized landing page for customers whose location of interest are known.

  • Industry of visitor’s organization . Use this information to create a sense of urgency with a message like, “Our social media management software is taking B2B companies by storm.”
  • Search method visitor used
  • Onsite history of visitor . If you know what’s already caught someone’s attention, give them more of it. Whether it’s blog topics or a product they seem to be considering, serving up more of what they like will make website visits feel tailored just for them.
  • Topics visitor has historically been interested in . If instructional website Masterclass knows you’ve taken screenwriting classes in the past, they can serve up a landing page that suggests other performance-related lessons.

custom landing pages Masterclass tailored landing page for customers who have already expressed interest in performance-related classes

Depending on your product or service, there are so many ways to tailor pages to match your audiences' interest and intent.

Take It One Step Further With Testing

Hopefully, with multiple, personalized landing pages, you see an uptick in conversions immediately. Whether you do or don’t, keep testing. Companies like Sailthru , EasyPURL , HubSpot , ExactTarget (Salesforce), and Mindfireinc not only make it easy to get your landing pages up and running, they also provide a simple platform for making small test changes.

No one likes to be talked to in general terms, especially when asked for personal information, like an email address, or money. Personalized landing pages allow marketers to better connect with current and potential customers with messaging that speaks directly to their interest and intent.

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