Twitter Ads

How To Use Twitter Ads for Lead Generation

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Twitter Ads can be used to produce a steady stream of new leads. Whether you're adding new prospects, warming up contacts, or driving conversions, there are several complementary offerings that you can use to your advantage.

Let's examine some of the best paired offerings for direct response advertisers, starting with campaign types.

Twitter Lead Campaigns

Have you ever meticulously crafted a campaign only to see visitors bounce off a bad landing page? It hurts. Skip the click-through, and capture the lead directly in the tweet by using Lead Campaigns . This tool is a great way to grow email contact and subscriber lists. To capture leads, simply attach a Lead Generation Card to your Sponsored Tweet, which allows users to submit their contact information.

For example, your company might be promoting an upcoming webinar. Using this campaign type, you can grow attendee lists right within Twitter.

Twitter ads lead generation card Users often don't like leaving Twitter, preferring to stay within flow. The easy submission process within the card provides a low friction experience, boosting conversion rates.

Lead Generation Cards provide many benefits:

  • Dramatically increase the real estate of your tweet (This is true of most Twitter Cards )
  • Include a compelling image
  • Customizable calls-to-action
  • Easy email capture

Pro Tips:

  • Take advantage of the option to direct a Twitter user to a destination URL after submission. This allows you to add them to retargeting campaigns.
  • Add a hidden field to the Card so you can pass through unique lead source details to your Marketing Automation, Analytics, or CRM systems.

Website Clicks and Conversions Campaigns

Sometimes an email alone isn't enough information to qualify a lead. Choose Website Clicks and Conversions as your campaign type when you'd like to direct visitors to your website to complete a form, purchase, or web action.

For example, you might be a SaaS platform for content management. You could use this campaign type to drive new demo inquiries for your sales team.

Twitter ads website card Twitter Ads Website Card

Expand your Sponsored Tweet with a Website Card to include an image and call-to-action button.

Website Cards have some great features:

  • Increases the realty of your tweet within the timeline
  • Strong focus on the image, which is great for mobile
  • Clean headline space to prompt click-throughs
  • Supports customizable calls-to-action on your button text

Pro Tips:

  • Build multiple cards to test different headline, image and CTA button combinations.
  • Align your headline & CTA button copy.
  • Ensure you have website conversion tracking setup.
  • Include custom tracking to your destination URL (Learn how to create Analytics -friendly URLs)

Campaign Targeting

Twitter Ads offers a powerful set of targeting options. You can target live conversion topics, piggyback on others followers or only show your promoted tweets to specific handles.

Introduce your brand into the search or conversion with Keyword Targeting .

Keyword Targeting

In this field, enter different keyword combinations and match types to fine tune your audience reach.

Twitter ads keyword targeting


  • Target by Search Result – Your promoted tweet will show at the top spot on the results timeline for a user's search query. For example, you might be a concert promoter and want to show up when users search for local hip hop artists, promoting your next show.

  • Target on User’s Timelines – Select this option to advertise to users whose tweet conversions contain that keywords topics you're targeting. For example, you might be an online store that sells snow hardware. You can target keywords around "blizzard" and offer discounts on snowblowers to frustrated homeowners.

Followers Targeting

Target the follower base of any Twitter handle. This is a cost-effective way to influence followers of large brands, influential people,  or competitors. For example, AdStage is a PPC platform , so we might want to target followers of the PPC expert, Brad Geddes.

Twitter ads follower targeting

Tailored Audiences

Reach specific users on Twitter by their email, Twitter ID, mobile ads ID, or an action they took on your website. Have a list of email subscribers for your blog? Upload the email list and target them with an offer they can’t refuse. Are website visitors not converting? Retarget them to complete the conversion.

Twitter ads

Pro Tips

  • Marry these targeting types together, such as Tailored Audiences and keywords. For example, Sam, our marketing director, can advertise to PPC Managers from our email database who are tweeting about Twitter Ad platforms they’re testing.
  • Does your solution solve a pain point? Add it as a keyword target, and uncheck the filter for blocking tweets with negative sentiment.
  • Create a website list of visitors who converted. Advertise to new Twitter users who are likely to convert by selecting the “expand reach by targeting similar users” option.


Select the campaign type that best fits your needs, and include a complimentary Card creative. Then, fine tune your targeting with keywords and tailored audiences. Test until you find the best combination of Tweet creative and audience targeting that produces high lead volumes at low average costs.

Have you tried any of these lead generation techniques yet? We'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

AdStage Team