Digital Marketing

How to Write for the AdStage Blog

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Every week, we receive emails, Intercom messages, and DMs on our personal Twitter asking to submit an article to our blog at AdStage . Many come from good writers with interesting ideas. Most don’t get published.

Why? Here're a few reasons:

People email us asking if they could “send us an article.” Just send it, and we'll take it from there!

People don’t introduce themselves. It’s fine if we haven’t met; we love featuring new voices on our blog. This is not the time to be humble: tell us why you're an expert on the topic, and how our readers will benefit from your article.

People write high-level content that’s not directly helpful to our readers. We're an industry blog; please send us tactical how-to's and hands-on tips.

You don't have to be a professional writer to guest-blog for us. Our subscribers are busy marketers; they work at agencies and in-house, running PPC campaigns every day. If you have advice to share on how to make their job easier, we want to hear from you.

write for adstage blog

For example, our most recent guest posts focused on how to fix a failing PPC campaign or build customer personas with Facebook Audience Insights. Here are a few more of our favorites:

What Makes a Great Monthly PPC Report?

The 10 Best AdWords Scripts to Scale your PPC Accounts

Should Your Demand Generation Team Be Made up of Millennials?

Our earlier post on how to submit a guest post to AdStage’s blog has all the details and instructions.

Ready to share your story with our 40k+ audience of PPC marketers and agency directors globally? Email us at

AdStage Team