Youtube Ads

Important Things to Know about YouTube Shopping Campaigns

AdStage Team 2 minute read

People are now watching an average of 1 billion hours a day on YouTube. Besides being an extremely effective branding channel, you can also work on getting direct revenue straight from YouTube. It’s all possible by creating TrueView shopping campaigns.

It’s hard to believe this campaign type is almost two years old, and in my opinion, underutilized. This post will show you some valuable tips to know about TrueView shopping campaigns before creating your first one.

Remember the Number 6

If you want to run TrueView shopping campaigns on YouTube’s six-second bumper ads , you’re going to be disappointed because it’s not an option. And I take Google’s side on this one. Think about it. Six seconds isn’t enough time for a user to engage with your video, connect with your message, and peruse your product line before the ad transitions to the hosting video.

[Tweet "TrueView shopping gives users the opportunity to embrace longer videos as ads."]

youtube shopping cards

The other reason the number 6 is important is because that is the maximum amount of Shopping cards that can appear on your YouTube ads. Even though you can select more products to use in your campaigns, only six products can show so choose your filtering wisely (coming up next).

And when those shopping cards show up on YouTube, they eliminate the possibility of any other cards (like call-to-action overlays) appearing on your videos.

Product is Selected at the Campaign Level

In a Search Network shopping campaign, advertisers are used to creating ad groups first before having to select their product. With TrueView shopping campaigns, you have to select your products a step earlier at the campaign level.

This may change your strategy of how you structure your TrueView shopping campaigns if only certain products would make sense to show alongside certain videos.

trueview shopping product filter

You have three options when selecting your products:

  1. Choose all products available in your chosen feed
  2. Select specific products by searching for titles, URLs or product IDs
  3. Create custom filters (one example seen below)

trueview shopping custom filters

If you’re going to select specific products, it’s important to remember you only get to select a maximum of 10 products. If you want more than 10 products to show up for your campaign, try finding a custom filter that works or create a new feed to sync with your campaign.

Dynamic Remarketing Is Available for YouTube Shopping

What if your company has a great video to showcase, but the video content isn’t about any particular product line? What if you don’t have a big budget and only want to show products to previous visitors who are watching your videos? Dynamic remarketing is here for you.

adwords visitors

In your Video campaign settings, make sure your product filter is set to all products. Then when you get to the section to add additional targeting, select the proper remarketing audiences to add to your campaign.

Your TrueView shopping remarketing campaigns will use the same data as your dynamic remarketing for Display ads . So make sure your dynamic remarketing is set up properly.

Give TrueView for Shopping a Try

YouTube is a fantastic channel to show users the full spectrum of capabilities and features your products offer. Make users fall in love with your products with great visual content, then encourage them to buy it using TrueView shopping campaigns.

It might take some time to figure out the best targeting and campaign structure that works best for you. But once you find the sweet spot, you can be pulling in revenue from an unexpected channel.

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