AdStage Products

Introducing the New AdStage Report Center

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Reporting just got easier.

We've just launched the brand new Report Center in AdStage to make creating reports for Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads & LinkedIn Ads even easier.

You can choose from a number of pre-built report templates or create a custom report with the rows and columns you care about most. You can even schedule recurring reports to be delivered right to your inbox. Log in to check out the new Report Center or sign up for AdStage for access.

[button url="" target="_blank" label="Log In to the Report Center"]

Browse Reports

Browse dozens of pre-built reports from the new Report Gallery .

Browse Reports

Filter Reports

Use real-time search and filters to find the right report, right away.

Report Filter

Customize Reports

Create custom reports with the exact data you need.

Custom reports

Schedule Reports

Schedule recurring reports to be emailed to you or your colleagues.

schedule reports

Manage Reports

Modify, duplicate and delete your scheduled reports easily.

Manage Scheduled Reports

What's Next?

We're actively working on even more features for the new Report Center. What else would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below.

AdStage Team