The PPC Show

Keep the #ppcchat Discussion Going with Today on PPCchat

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Here at AdStage, we’re huge fans of #ppcchat , founded and created by Matt Umbro . We have been long-time participants in the discussions on Tuesdays and love talking shop. At times, the conversations were so valuable that we found ourselves carrying on the discussions in the office to influence our roadmap, and with our clients. This is why we’re opening up these conversations through a live podcast called Today on PPCchat .

Matt has given us the thumbs up to host a live podcast every Tuesday at the conclusion of #ppcchat. Every now and then he may listen in as well! During the podcast, we’ll re-cap the discussions that went on during #ppcchat and provide commentary on some of the strategies and topics that were covered. We’re hoping to provide an open environment where PPC enthusiasts can listen in and even chat live with a few experts in the industry.

Today on PPCChat

We experimented with our first episode of Today on PPCchat last week and are excited to create another medium for #ppcchat going forward. Join us every Tuesday at 10am Pacific Time immediately after #ppcchat concludes for a live discussion on the hottest topics in PPC.


AdStage Team