LinkedIn Ads , Benchmark Reports

LinkedIn Ads Benchmarks for CPC, CPM, and CTR in Q3 2018

AdStage Team 2 minute read

In Q3 2018, we analyzed nearly 2 billion impressions and 4.1 million clicks on LinkedIn to calculate median CPC, CPM, and CTR for the business and career-oriented site. Last month, LinkedIn shared the impressive news that it expects to bring in about $2 billion in ad revenue by the end of this fiscal year. The company says that figure is largely due to increased user engagement from product updates, including changes to Pages and the news feed. Of course, we’ll let you know how these changes affect CPC, CPM, and CTR in future quarters.

Keep reading to see how your LinkedIn numbers compare, then download the report for all the stats on CPM, CPC, and CTR benchmarks for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Ads, Google Display Network, YouTube, and Bing Ads.

LinkedIn CPC, CPM, & CTA for Q3 2018 at-a-glance
In Q3 2018, we analyzed over 421 million ad impressions and over 14 million clicks for ads on Google Search.

  • Median CPC was $3.77
  • Median CPM was $6.75
  • Median CTR was 0.19%

LinkedIn CPC lowest on record
If your Q3 budget allocated funds to LinkedIn, according to our numbers, you enjoyed low costs across the board. Median CPC fell to the lowest we’ve seen it, dropping more than a dollar since last quarter, and down $2.38 from where it was in Q3 2017.

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Q3 2018 LinkedIn ad performance data from 2B Impressions and 4.1MM Clicks

LinkedIn CPM drops 38 cents
In Q3, after we analyzed nearly 2 billion impressions and 4.1 million clicks, we found that median CPM was 5.1% cheaper than last quarter, but up about $0.57 Y/Y.

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Q3 2018 LinkedIn ad performance data from 2B Impressions and 4.1MM Clicks

LinkedIn CTR up 73% Y/Y
LinkedIn says engagement is up, and the numbers agree. Median CTR for ads on LinkedIn rose 26.9% from last quarter but jumped significantly from where it was Q3 of last year. We’ll see how the additional changes to Pages and news feed affect engagement numbers in Q4.

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Q3 2018 LinkedIn ad performance data from 2B Impressions and 4.1MM Clicks

LinkedIn ad trends Q3 2018

Overhauled Campaign Manager. LinkedIn knows marketers look to the data as a way to inform their campaign decisions, but the platform hasn’t made it easy to dig up that info, until now. Early in Q3, LinkedIn debuted a faster, redesigned Campaign Manager dashboard with an easy-to-navigate interface and a lightning fast back end. Marketers can access one-click breakdowns of campaign data and personalize their dashboard to display the numbers they’re referencing most often.

New Dynamic Ads. LinkedIn says the ad units are meant to “ engage prospects with ads automatically personalized to them” using details such as their photo, first name, company, and job title. The new feature also allows advertisers to build and manage their own campaigns via self-service, which is a huge open door for digital marketers, regardless of the size of their company.

Download the entire report for all the stats on CPM, CPC, and CTR benchmarks for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Ads, Google Display Network, YouTube, and Bing Ads.

AdStage Team