Twitter Ads

Maximize Reach Next Month with Twitter TV Targeting

AdStage Team 1 minute read

If you’ve ever wanted to run an ad campaign to specific television audiences but didn’t have the multi-million dollar budget to create a commercial and buy the airtime, Twitter can make your ad campaign dreams possible with its TV Targeting . It’s one of the Twitter’s more unique features when compared to the ad offerings of other networks in the space.

While it’s limited to specific countries at this time, the targeting capability offers advertisers an always-on solution to help you reach your target audience no matter the time of day. And, with April upon us, many of our favorite TV shows will soon wrap up for the season. This presents an opportunity to extend your campaign reach to other audiences using TV Targeting.

Next month will be huge for sports, so here’s a breakdown of what audiences you can reach on Twitter to maximize your reach.

Television Targeting Recommendations for Sports Fans


Sports Show


TV Show Targeting

5M - 5.75M users

SportsCenter United States SportsCenter

3M - 3.5M users

NBA Playoffs United States NBA

1.5M - 2M Users

NFL Draft United States 2015 NFL Draft

1M - 2M Users

NHL Stanley Cup Canada NHL Hockey

1M - 1.5M Users

Boxing PPV: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao United States Boxing PPV: Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

350K - 400K Users

MLB Baseball United States MLB Baseball

250K - 350K Users

English Premier
United Kingdom Barclay’s Premier League Football

100K - 125K Users

Kentucky Derby United States 2015 Kentucky Derby

*All reach numbers are estimates provided by Twitter.

Make sure to build your campaigns as soon as possible because the biggest day in sports for all for these audiences is happening on May 2, 2015. As you know, media buying on television gets pricier depending on the time of day, potential reach, and the network you’re trafficking on. Luckily for you, Twitter TV Targeting is not limited to when the show, or sporting event in this case, is running.

Pro Tip For Advanced Advertisers

Keep in mind you can layer additional targeting to TV Targeting on Twitter Ads to get even more granular with relevant creatives for specific locations, genders, operating systems, etc. It’s easy to test different ad creatives to your target audience using our Twitter bulk ad creation .

Have you tried TV Targeting on Twitter yet? Let us know how your campaigns performed in the comments section below!

AdStage Team