Twitter Ads

Mobile Carrier and New Device Targeting Comes to Twitter Ads

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Twitter has rolled out two clever new features to its ad platform to help you target users on mobile devices: mobile carrier targeting and new device targeting.

Mobile Carrier Targeting

You can now target your Twitter Ads by the mobile carrier your audience is using. Simply drill down to your country, then choose from a list of carriers to select those you'd like to include.

twitter ads carrier targeting


Twitter offers three examples of how advertisers can find this targeting tool useful.

  • Mobile Carriers - Target your own customers with a loyalty campaign, or exclude your customers from your customer acquisition campaigns.
  • Mobile Manufacturers and App Marketers - Tailor your content by carrier to improve performance.
  • Other Verticals - Leverage carrier demographic insights to reach the customer most likely to be in interested in your offer.

T-Mobile used carrier targeting to tailor their Promoted Tweets to new and existing customers:

"Twitter is blazing a new trail in the social space with this type of targeting, and our early results are very positive. More importantly, it’s really helped us extend our Un-Carrier approach of directly speaking to existing and potential customers – and we plan on continuing to refine and expand those efforts.”

Peter DeLuca, Senior Vice President of Brand and Advertising, T-Mobile

New Device Targeting

You can also target your campaign's audience to those on a new mobile device. This clever targeting method works well for mobile app marketers who want to reach users while they're shopping for apps for their shiny new devices.

twitter ads new mobile device targeting


Twitter offers two examples of how marketers can combine new device targeting with the other targeting options to reach the perfect audience:

  • Fashion App Advertiser - Combine new mobile device targeting with fashion interest targeting to encourage app downloads.
  • Mobile Carrier - Combine new mobile device targeting with carrier targeting to reach customers with a new device on their network with an upsell campaign.

Softcard drove downloads of the different versions of their mobile payments app designed for several carriers:

"Softcard has a unique challenge in that we have three separate versions of our app, which are all mobile carrier-specific. Our biggest challenge in the past was effectively running digital acquisition campaigns where we could push a new user to the correct version of the app. With carrier targeting on Twitter, we’ve been able to overcome that challenge in a big way.”

Jeffrey Mack, Head of Social Media, Softcard


Both mobile carrier targeting and new device targeting are available now in 35 different countries, and they will be coming to AdStage for Twitter Ads shortly.

Are you excited about these new targeting options? Let us know in the comments below.

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