Facebook Ads , Twitter Ads , Google Ads

Promote Your App with Google, Facebook, and Twitter Ads

AdStage Team 1 minute read

The app industry continues to grow substantially, following increased usage of smartphones. Gartner reported in 2013, 102 billion apps were downloaded, equating to $26 billion in sales. Ad budgets are shifting to mobile and the ad networks are accommodating. To capitalize on growing demand, advertisers can now create app campaigns across Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and most recently, Twitter Ads.

Dedicated Campaigns

Promoting an app can be different than running a lead generation or retail e-commerce campaign. Take advantage of each networks app campaign settings.

Create at least one unique campaign per app, and assign a budget.

Increase Installs

Nothing pains an advertiser more than when they build a thorough campaign only to see click-throughs bounce off the landing page.

App installs ads remove the need for a destination url, instead allowing the target audience to download the app right on the ad itself.

Drive App Engagement

Use this ad type to remarket to app users, keeping them actively using your app.

App engagement ads help increase monetization, aiding in the engagement and retention of the app.

There are many types of apps (subscription based, in-app purchases, free with ads, etc.), and each will have a unique set of KPIs to measure engagement. Optimize towards your core KPIs, driving more users to complete your desired action.

*Note: AdWords app engagement campaigns are currently in a closed beta.

Track Conversions

Set up conversion tracking to report on total installs, cost-per-install metrics, or custom engagement metrics.

App Conversion Tracking by Network


Use a trusted 3rd party partner . Learn more.


Add a snippet of code from Facebook to your app or use a trusted 3rd party partner .


Add a snippet of code from Google to your app.

Optimize for KPIs

While impressions, clicks, click through rate, and avg. CPM/CPC trends are important to track, advertisers should be laser focused on two key metrics – total conversions (which can include engagement) & cost per conversion.

Continually test different targeting and bid combinations to increase  new installs, cost-effectively.

Take advantage of advanced bidding types to drive conversions.

Advanced Bidding Options

Apply bidding types that optimize for your key metrics.


Drive more installs with conversions optimizer .


Test Optimized CPM , bidding on actions. Once enough historic installs occur, then CPA bidding will be available, and it's one of the most cost effective bid types for installs.

Bringing it Together

The release of dedicated app campaigns have armed advertisers with a lot more flexibility and optimization tools when promoting an app. As mobile usage continues to increase, app ad budgets will grow larger

AdStage Team