Facebook Ads , This Week in Ad News

Proposal to regulate user data, 2016 State of Marketing Report, and more…

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.

FOR THE WEEK OF April 05, 2016

Learn HTML5 Ads Before It’s Too Late

If you are still using Flash ads, you have three more months until Google cuts you off. Starting June 30th, 2016 Google will no longer allow Flash in AdWords or DoubleClick. By January 2nd, 2017 Flash will cease to run
on their networks

by Josh Rodriguez | @JoshRodriguez


Majority of College Students Welcome Targeted Ads: Study
Research shows college students are the most susceptible to relevant ads...

Limits on Internet Providers' Use of Data Advance at the FCC
New proposal to regulate user data. What does this mean for digital advertisers?...

Video Ads Are Coming to Facebook Instant Articles
Starting April 12, Facebook Instant Articles are open to all publishers...

Customer Journey Should be Marketers' Focus: Salesforce
Check it out: Salesforce just released their "2016 State of Marketing Report"...


The Ideal Facebook Advertising Structure: Single Objective
The go-to method that makes for easy Facebook campaign management...

How a Simple Change Affects AdWords Performance
How to fix issues with your AdWords account and stop wasting ad spend...

Hope to Optimize Conversion Rates for Enhanced PPC
Crucial CRO knowledge you need for success in the digital age...

Entering International Markets with AdWords
Expand your business opportunities to new countries with AdWords...


Are Our Leading Brands Also Optimization Leaders?
How well are 7 top sites taking advantage of optimization tools?..

First-page Minimum Bids Continue to Rise in Wake of Google Desktop SERP Changes
AdWords bidding trends following Google's move to eliminate right-rail ads...

Majority of Digital Ad Spending Will Go to Mobile This Year: eMarketer
Mobile’s digital spending is projected to increase through 2020...

Like Facebook, Instagram Moves Toward Pay-for-Play Model
Algorithm-based timelines change how digital advertisers stay visible...

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