Facebook Ads

Quick Guide to Facebook Pixel Helper for Advertisers

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Facebook launched the Facebook Pixel Helper to help you validate that your Conversion Tracking and Custom Audience Pixels have been installed on your website correctly.

The Facebook Pixel Helper is a troubleshooting tool that helps you validate your pixel implementation. It works in the background to look for conversion or Facebook pixels and provide realtime feedback on the implementation. A small number will appear on the Facebook Pixel Helper icon to indicate number of pixel events. When clicked, a panel will expand to show a detailed overview of the page's pixels, including warnings, errors and successes.

facebook pixel helper

With the Facebook Pixel Helper you can:

  • Verify your pixels are working properly
  • Troubleshoot common errors
  • Learn how to improve performance

How It Works

The Facebook Pixel Helper runs in the background and looks for a Facebook marketing pixel on each website you visit. If the site you're on has one installed, the </> icon will turn blue and a counter will reveal how many pixels were found on the page.

You can identify issues with the pixel on your page when the icon doesn't turn blue. Click the </> icon will open up a popup with debugging information to help you troubleshoot.

Facebook Pixel Helper Availability

The Facebook Pixel Helper is available now as an extension for Google Chrome. Download it now at the chrome web store or learn more at Facebook Developers .

[button url="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fb-pixel-helper/fdgfkebogiimcoedlicjlajpkdmockpc" target="_new" label="Download Now"]

How To Migrate to the Facebook Pixel

In five steps, you can migrate your conversion tracking over to the Facebook pixel .

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