Quora Ads

Quick Guide to Launching Quora Ads

AdStage Team 4 minute read

If you’re not already advertising on Quora, maybe the first step is to dig into what the platform is, why people visit, and therefore what marketers might be able to get out of it. Quora, on the business page , offers a great summary of why people use Quora:

“People visit Quora every day to ask questions and read insightful answers. Advertise on Quora to reach millions of people who are already looking for answers to questions that relate to your business or industry.”

Um, cool! So in a way, it’s a little bit like Pinterest. People are coming to Quora with pointed questions they’re relying on the community to provide answers to. And if your product or business happens to be a part of that answer—hurrah!—you’ve got a perfectly organic way to insert yourself.

In this post, we’ll go over Quora’s self-serve platform and ad types, how to set up your first Quora campaign, examples of the Quora ads you can run, and how to measure your Quora ad performance.

Check out AdStage’s new Quora integration. Use AdStage to analyze all your Quora Ads data to optimize within the network, as well as across other ad channels in your paid marketing program. Quora offers a variety of ad types to ensure you engage with your customers in the right way. You can select from Image, Text, and Promoted Answers.

Quora’s Ads platform and ad types

Like most PPC advertising options, Quora offers a self-service ad platform , where marketers can create native, text-based ads, and target users by interest, geography, or platform (mobile, desktop, or both).

How to set up your first Quora Ads campaign

Create a Quora Account

First, navigate to Quora’s Ads Manager and create an account if you don’t already have one. If you don’t already have an account, Quora will guide you through the flow to get one set up. You’ll need to provide a business name and contact information, too, then click Create Account.

Install the Quora pixel

You certainly don’t want to miss out on retargeting and conversion tracking opportunities, so be sure to install Quora’s somewhat new pixel.

Once your account has been created and you’re successfully signed into Ads Manager, look for the Quora Pixel tab button in the nav bar. From there, click Setup the Pixel on the righthand side of your screen. You’ll get a popup with more info, but essentially you’ll need to copy the provided code and paste it between the <head></head> tags of every page of your site that you plan on sending traffic to.

Create a Quora Ads Campaign

Now you’re ready to get your first campaign going. Similar to Facebook, Quora lets you build ad groups and ad sets. Within ad groups, you’ll control objectives, budgeting, and ad scheduling. Ad sets get a lot more detailed.

Click +Create Campaign to begin building your ads. Then:

  1. Select your objective
  2. Set your budget ($5 minimum)
  3. Determine your schedule (begin immediately or set a future start date)
  4. Click Continue to move on to the ad set level

The ad set section is where you’ll determine your targeting and bidding. Start by giving your ad set a memorable and distinct name so you can easily recognize it in your reports.

In Quora, you have access to two levels of targeting, primary and secondary. The primary level lets you define the basis or your targeting and the secondary level lets you refine.

In primary targeting, you can zero in on certain topics, or certain audiences:

  • Topic Targeting - Topics function like keywords. If your product or service offers the solution to a question someone is posing, you’ll use relevant keywords from his or her search phrases to get your ad to surface.
  • Audience Targeting - The Quora pixel lets you advertise to certain segments of site visitors and target prospects when they come back to Quora to search again.

If you’re going with topic targeting, use keywords that have worked for you on other platforms. Quora will use those keywords to also suggest anything related that might work well on the platform.

The secondary targeting options let you refine location and device, but more powerful than that is the negative keyword section. Here, you can save budget by excluding upfront certain locations, devices, and questions.

Once you’re happy with your targeting, set your max bid for the ad set before jumping into creating your ad.

Once you’ve defined your audience, simply set a maximum bid for the ad set and move on to ad creation.

Examples and a breakdown of Quora Ads

Quora text ads

A Quora text ad is made up of:

  • Business Name – 30 characters
  • Headline Sentence – 65 characters
  • Body Text – 105 characters
  • Display URL – 30 Characters

Ads appear below the question and answers on question pages. Below is an example of a common Quora ad.

Quora image ads

Quora is largely made up of text, so image ads are a great way to capture attention. Image ads can appear on both desktop and mobile devices on home feed, topic feed, question pages, and email digest. Image ad specs include:


Headline sentence character max: 65 characters

Body text character max: 105 characters

Hero Image

Accepted image formats: PNG, JPG

Aspect ratio: 16:9

Minimum image dimensions: 600 x 335 pixels

Company Logo

Accepted image formats: PNG, JPG

Size: displayed as a circle

Recommended logo image size: 500 x 500 pixels

Quora Promoted Answers

You can also promote an answer you’ve provided elsewhere on Quora as an ad. Detailed instructions on how to do that are provided by Quora here . Below, you’ll find a few examples of Promoted Answers.

How to measure Quora Ads performance

You’ve got your campaign up and running, but is anything working?  Luckily, it’s easy to decipher results on Quora since it works much like every other PPC platform. Quora Ads run off of a CPC, CTR, and CPM-based model determined by a real-time auction.

Quora’s reporting feature has gotten so much better than when it first came out. You can customize the metrics that appear in the campaign performance table of your Quora Ads Manager by clicking the “Configure Columns” button at the top right of the performance table. Then you can select and deselect until your view is made up of everything you care about.

Image from Quora

You may notice a new term on the metrics list called a Viewthrough Conversion. In Quora language, that’s when a user converts on your campaign objective within 24 hours of viewing your ad.

As you get going on your next Quora campaign, don’t forget to check out AdStage’s new Quora integration. Here’s how it helps you accelerate your reporting:

  • Custom dashboards: use widgets to track and measure metrics that are important to you. Create charts and progress widgets using your ad data.
  • Analyze and optimize your ads: AdStage does much more than just collect data. Our platform also automatically stores, normalizes, and connects it. With AdStage, you can analyze your Quora Ads data in a single blended view with other ad networks like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more.

AdStage Team