LinkedIn Ads

Quick Guide to Rich Media Sponsored Updates in LinkedIn Ads

AdStage Team 1 minute read

As one of LinkedIn’s official Ads API partners, we have thousands of customers running LinkedIn Ads on our platform. One of the most common questions we are asked about LinkedIn is “How do I run Sponsored Updates with the larger image?”

For advertisers that are new to LinkedIn Ads or have the same question, this ad format is slightly different from the traditional Sponsored Update in that, not only does the photo appear larger in the feed, it doesn’t have as many text fields for your ad. The larger image, as shown below, and is referred to as Rich Media Sponsored Updates.

Rich Media Sponsored Updates

Rich Media Sponsored Update Rich Media Sponsored Update

Sponsored Update Standard Sponsored Update

Starting today, we’re excited to announce that AdStage now supports full campaign creation, optimization, conversion tracking, and reporting for LinkedIn’s Rich Media Sponsored Updates.

With the larger canvas, your ad stands out more, and you can add other types of files to your ad such as PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos, PDF files, and of course, the same sized image you’re already using for Sponsored Updates that renders much larger to users. adstage rich media sponsored updates

In addition to a uniform workflow to create all your ads in one location, the AdStage platform offers additional tools to optimize and measure your LinkedIn Ad performance.

Dayparting on LinkedIn

You can schedule or daypart your campaigns on LinkedIn, using the Automated Rules app. Setting up a dayparting rule takes less than 2 minutes and can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars from wasted ad impressions on the weekends or evenings.

Dayparting on LinkedIn

Conversion Tracking on LinkedIn

If you’re running any direct response campaigns such as lead generation, conversion tracking is crucial for making better optimization and budget decisions. With AdStage, we auto-append your URLs with our proprietary conversion tracking solution and all conversions are reported on directly in the performance tables.

conversion tracking on linkedin ads

Join thousands of other LinkedIn advertisers and try the AdStage platform today. You’ll be able to run LinkedIn Sponsored Updates at scale and we definitely recommend testing both the traditional Sponsored Update and the Rich Media format to see how your audience responds to the various ad formats. Your free trial awaits.

AdStage Team