The PPC Show , Quora Ads

Quora Ads Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary [PODCAST]

AdStage Team 22 minute read

Welcome to episode #86 of The PPC Show where we interview the best and brightest in paid marketing. This week we're joined by Puja Ramani, Head of Business Marketing at Quora to discuss and celebrate their ads platform one year anniversary. Plus, you can now use AdStage to analyze and report on Quora Ads data!

Stay tuned as we walk through:

  • All the products they launched over the last year
  • Their latest betas
  • Updated targeting to help scale your campaign performance
  • And how you can get started running ads on Quora

Don't forget to check out our latest Q1'18 Paid Media Benchmark Report , our last podcast on Quora’s Laser Focus on Advertiser ROI , and The Comprehensive Guide to Quora Ads for Performance Marketers .

Listen to Episode

Puja Ramani

Results driven business leader with experience working in fast paced environments across a variety of domains - SMB, SaaS and Advertising.

Follow Puja on Quora .


* Product Management - Product roadmap, strategy, user experience, release planning, competitive landscape and market analysis
* Product Marketing - Positioning, messaging, pricing, packaging, product launches, PR and AR
* Sales / Marketing - Demand generation, category creation, online marketing, Sales enablement
* Team / Leadership - 5+ years directly managing teams, recruiting, culture, cross functional alignment
* Domains - Consumer/SMB, SaaS, Customer Success, Advertising

Show Notes and Transcript

JD Prater: Puja, welcome to the PPC Show.

Puja Ramani: Hey JD, so excited to be here. Thanks for having me.

JD Prater: Definitely, definitely. Well we have much to talk about and a lot to celebrate but before we do, Puja why don't you give us a quick overview of who you are, where you've been and what you been working on?

Puja Ramani: Yeah, absolutely. Yes I currently lead the business marketing team at Quora and I've been at Quora for about a year and half. I think, JD, I've known you like the whole time. You were one of our early customers on the Quora platform. And then prior to Quora I used to work at ... So I'll go all the way back. I started my career at Intuit. So if you guys use Turbo Tax and QuickBooks, those are some of the products I worked on there.

Puja Ramani: Then I went to business school for a couple years after that. I joined Facebook. Had a really fun time when we were building the ads business. So had the good fortune of seeing that company grow and build a really successful business and go public. And then of course, I wanted to make life difficult for myself and decided to go and join a startup because I really wanted to experience building a business from the ground up. So I joined this B2B SAS company called Gainsight. They're in the customer success space. And that was a really fun ride. I was at that company for three years and really established them as the path leader in the customer success space.

Puja Ramani: And all along I've always been a fan of Quora. Quora's been one of those consumer products that I've used, I'd been using for many years, and so when this opportunity came up to really help them lead their business marketing team, as they were thinking of all of their monetization products, and kind of bringing advertising, as the key way to monetize their product, I couldn't pass up on that.

Puja Ramani: So that's sort of my journey. I've been at Quora for a year and a half, and primarally been working on business products, so right now we're focused on our advertising product. A little bit of content marketing for businesses as well. So it's been a year since we launched our product which is really exciting.

JD Prater: Yeah! Well, congratulations, and happy birthday to Quora Ad's one year .

Puja Ramani: Yeah.

JD Prater: Very exciting times. I can't believe it's only been a year. It's been kind of crazy. I was looking through some of the things that you guys have launched. So you guys were talking about launching a year ago, right?

Puja Ramani: Yeah.

JD Prater: And all of the things that you guys have launched. Just kind of walk us through some of the highlights for you.

Puja Ramani: Yeah. Totally. So we launched our public self-serve platform in last May. So this basically gave advertisers and marketers the ability to come to Quora and create ads, just like you would on any of the other platforms like Facebook and Google. And then since then, you know, in just a short 12 months, we've been shipping at a rapid pace. And actually being the marketing lead, it's actually sometimes hard to keep up with our dev team because they're just putting so much good stuff out.

Quick overview of product highlights

Puja Ramani: So let me give you a quick overview of some of the highlights. So, right when we launched, we launched with the conversion pixel, so that was one of the first things we did. We then soon followed up with our mobile app install ads. So folks who are trying to drive traffic to app downloads, we launched that capability in July, and then along with that we actually integrated with a bunch of mobile measurement partners back in July as well. So we initially launched Kochava, Tune, and then over the last year we integrated with just, Branch, .io, Segment, so lots of measurement partners.

Puja Ramani: One of the things that'd been really important to us from day one with the start, was making sure that marketers can easily measure the ROI of their investment. And so, things like the conversion pixel and integrating with mobile measurement partners that people rely on for attribution and conversion data was really critical to us.

Puja Ramani: And then in August we launched website re-targeting, and JD, actually, you did a podcast on this with Sarah back in August. So, that gave us the ability to actually use the data from the conversion pixel and then re-target people who had visited your website on Quora. So this was obviously a highly anticipated feature that's been used a lot since launch.

Puja Ramani: And then in February 2018, we launched a whole new host of targeting option. So if you're family with Quora, you know one of the core ways you can target is with this concept called Topics. So, all of the content of Quora is organized into questions and answers. And those questions and answers are tagged into topics. So, for example, B2B, there might be a topic around B2B software or marketing automation and things like that. And so as a marketer you can target those specific topics and that was really the only form of targeting we offered on the platform.

Puja Ramani: Then in February, we actually launched a bunch more option. In addition to topic targeting, you can also target questions. We also launched some behavior targeting options that we'll get into later like interest targeting, you can also create look-a-like audiences, so a whole bunch of new targeting options. In March, just soon after that, we launched the ability to do event conversion tracking, View Through Attribution, and then last, we also launched what we call List Match Audiences which gives you the ability to basically upload a list of email ID's, leads, or current customers that you want to reach on the platform and create an audience based on that re-target.

Puja Ramani: And then just very recently, actually last week, we launched image ads, which we are super excited about. There's been a lot of demand to do more than just a text-based ad on the platform. And now, we have that capability as well. Yeah, so that sort of summarizes the whole year, so it's been kind of like non-stop, one thing after the other. It's been super fun to be apart of the Dream Team that's able to get a lot of stuff done.

JD Prater: I know, it's just absolutely incredible and like, if you're not running Quora ads, you really should. You really should starting thinking about it. They've done a great job of this hybrid of, if you took Ad Words and Facebook and you mixed them together, that's what their ads manager looks like and if you look at all these products that they're currently launching, when you think about text ads, image ads, mobile app install, you can do all these different audiences.

JD Prater: It's incredible, and in a year! Like we're talking 12 months. I mean, how long have we been waiting for this stuff, and you think about even Facebook or Ad Words moving at break-neck speed, no. You guys have just been dominating and I just love that you guys have absolutely focused on RO I, so, thank you to you guys' team and all the things that have been coming out. It's absolutely incredible.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, that's great. Well, thank you, and thank you JD and Ads to be one of those early advertisers who's kind of been with us throughout the journey. It's really fun to keep delivering value for you guys.

JD Prater: Yeah, we've seen absolutely great results. We did a case study with you guys, but I really love the audience and this intent. So, I'm going to kick it over to you. Pitch all the listeners here. Like what is the Quora audience and talk to us about that intent. It's not social, but it's not search, so, I'll let you answer that one.

Quora audience

Puja Ramani: Yeah, so as marketers you might be listening to this and you might be thinking like, 'Why should I care about Quora, or why advertise on Quora?' There's really three main benefits to think about. So, we do have a very large and engaged audience. We have 200 million monthly visitors, over 200 million monthly visitors, and our users spend about 30 minutes every day in the app, which is quite significant.

Puja Ramani: Our audience also tends to be highly educated with the 165% stating they have a college degree, and we also have indication that there's a higher household income in our audience. I think what JD was alluding to is probably the most important thing that we offer in terms of the value of our audience. It's generally the intent that Quora offers.

Puja Ramani: So, if you think about it, if people ask questions on Quora or they come to Quora to read about something when they're trying to make an important decision. I actually recently went through this. We were trying to figure out what kind of marketing automation software to buy, so I talked to my peers in the industry and some use Marketo, some use Pardot there's other players on the market, but I did actually read a ton of content on Quora about different people's experiences with the software, and if you're a marketer actually selling one of those two products, what a great time to actually engage with somebody who's in the market, right?

Puja Ramani: So we recommend to all business that you should be writing on Quora, educating your audience on Quora, but then really using the Quora audience as a place to reach people who are in that consideration phase in their purchase process and use advertising as a way to influence that, right? So, if I am in Quora reading something about how awesome marketing automation is, if I was the head of marketing at Pardot I'd want to make sure that I was also part of that conversation. So, that's where the advertising can really play well.

Puja Ramani: I think as marketers we all know our products are awesome and you want to make sure we're reaching our audience at the right time, but that can be really tricky, because how do you reach people who haven't yet visited your website, right? Once somebody's visited your website, you have base to re-target them, but what about people who aren't even considering you? That's really where Quora can help you and give you a valuable new channel to add to your tool set to help reach audiences in that consideration phase where there's lots of intent around that fact that they're in market for something. They're looking to be influenced and told kind of which way to go.

JD Prater: Yeah, that's all fantastic points, and it's exactly how I've started to really think through the platform. We use it for advertising, SCO and then content marketing. So, the content side, yeah, we want to be answering those questions that are relevant to us. If someone is out there saying, 'Hey, what's the best PPC reporting tool?', yeah, you better believe I want to be there with an answer.

Puja Ramani: Yeah.

JD Prater: A lot of times too, you guys rank extremely well within the Google Search results, so being able to have your answer tied to that question, so if I couldn't rank for that type of key word or that query, I want to be able to at least have my answer on that Quora answer. But then also, yeah, I want to be targeting that topic for sure with my ads. It's been fantastic for us whenever we think through that SEO, content and advertising perspective.

SEO, content marketing, and advertising on Quora

JD Prater: So, again, you need to get on Quora because there's a ton of possibility and a ton of opportunity whenever you are evaluating the platform as a whole.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, and I'll just share a couple of examples of maybe companies and advertisers for your audience. Tyson Quick, he's the CEO of Instapage, and I love what he does. If you go and look up his Quora profile, really great, useful answers like, 'Which kind of landing page I should consider? What are some of the pros and cons of the different tools out there?' But because obviously he's the CEO of this company, there's so much domain expertise that he has around this topic that obviously, people want to read that stuff. Right? If they're trying to decide which way to go.

Puja Ramani: And by the way, they also advertise on Quora and they've seen really great results. So, it's really that combination of doing the organic content marketing, and that's probably maybe like higher, just making sure that if you're a domain expert in an area and you're showcasing that on Quora, then augmenting that with advertising to make sure that even if somebody might be reading something about a different competitor, you have a chance to help be part of that discussion as well.

JD Prater: Yeah, that's what I thought was really good, too. It really is influencing that decision whenever people are searching. Really good stuff there. One thing we could also throw in, is really the thought leadership around your own brand. Right? With Tyson, you can start following his answers and you can see how he's responding and which questions he's responding to, as well. I do like that little component within there.

Puja Ramani: Yeah.

JD Prater: On the ad side, let's break it down. Talk to us about these new image ads and how they're similar, yet different to maybe the text-based ads?

New Quora image ads

Puja Ramani: Yeah, absolutely. So that are familiar with Quora, obviously text-content is a big part of what we do, right? A lot of content actually does really well on the site, but that said, there has been demand ever since we launched the platform to be able to showcase your brand with some imagery. Especially if you're selling a visual product. So, we've actually been thinking about image ads for a while but our team is extremely diligent who wanted to make sure when we launched it...We had taken the time to make sure that the product was actually working well and not only from an advertiser perspective, but also from a user experience, that it wasn't going to feel jarring give that so much of the content is text-based.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, after months of testing we're super excited that we were able to launch this just a couple of weeks ago. So the way the text ad works is...sorry the way the image ad works is that the specs are pretty similar to the text unit with a couple of extra guidelines that I'll just go through here.

Puja Ramani: So, we can accept images that are either PNG or JPEG, so the ad looks is, you have a headline, you have a sentence for descriptor text, and then you have a image that goes next to it. And then, on the web, the image is basically displayed as a rectangle and then on mobile it's a square. And actually now, with image ads, now have the ability to upload a company logo to further showcase your brand. You couldn't do this before with text-ads.

Puja Ramani: So, the brand logo is basically a 30 by 30 pixel square and then the hero image, we recommend obviously no more than 20% text on it, similar to Facebook. Again, we want to be really pragmatic and make sure that we're not creating a bunch of new doors for marketers to launch, so more spark, like our image policies and stuff are pretty consistent with what you might be already familiar with.

Puja Ramani: And then, yeah, JD we can send out maybe as part of the show, notes on some of the image size requirements and things like that. But pretty simple and a straight-forward set up. We're seeing really high click through rates and feed for image ads and excited to now be able to offer this product for companies that maybe have a more visually...just a visual product that they're trying to sell, like a physical product but the image really helps.

JD Prater: Yeah, definitely. I will definitely make sure that we include all these links to the show notes, so the product road map, the image ads as well, but another beta as well, that we have to talk about. The ad's API beta. Walk us through what that is, and how people can get involved with that one.

Quora Ads API beta

Puja Ramani: Yeah. Thanks for bringing that up. Obviously, partners like yours sell JD ads, they've been asking us for a while, 'Hey, can we get access to some of the metrics and really sort of plug in Quora as a channel so we can deliver more value to our clients?' And so it's been something that we've been working on and we're excited to share today that we have a beta version of our API and we're going to be working with a certain group of partners to try and keep it small to begin with so we can iron out all the kinks. But, I will be sharing our new page with JD that you guys can fill out and request access to the beta.

Puja Ramani: Like I said, we're starting with a smaller group, but as soon as we're able to open more broadly and you request access, we'll definitely get back to you. And in this first pass, we're going to start with reporting and points, that's what's going to be available, but we're obviously, as that grows up, we'll add the management capability and really give you the ability to manage your ads that will realistically be on API.

JD Prater: Yeah, I know that's something that I'm definitely pretty excited about. I was talking with our product team, I was like, 'Alright guys, let's get this on the Q3 roadmap after meeting with Lori over there on the API side.' So, I'm pretty excited about it.

Puja Ramani: Yeah. We are too. I feel like the API is the first sign of the platform really maturing and we really want to build a strong ecosystem of partners around the platform, and the API is key to doing that.

JD Prater: Yeah, for sure. So, we went through a couple of betas, so image ads went out, we got the ads API that it's out, now probably what some people might be wondering is, some of the targeting potential. I know some people that haven't run Quora ads that are kind of interested and I know you kind of walked through a couple of the different types of audiences, but kind of walk us through what you think would be some really good targeting that advertisers can take advantage of. And then, let's also run through what types of advertisers would you recommend using Quora ads.

Targeting options on Quora

Puja Ramani: Yeah, absolutely. So, let's talk about targeting. When you think about targeting on Quora, there's really sort of two types of targeting we offer. We offer contextual targeting, or content-based targeting, right? So this is basically saying, 'Hey, I want to make sure my ad shows up against this particular question or this topic.' Which is basically a tag that applies to a set of questions and answers. So, you're really, really targeting the content when you use topic targeting or question targeting.

Puja Ramani: Question targeting is really cool because even though you're only targeting that specific question, you can cater your ad criteria to be super relevant to that question. Then, we actually find that the click-through rates are like really high when you do that. Obviously, it's more work and you want to make sure you really get that question right before you invest time into doing that, but it's super powerful from that standpoint. So, that's the contextual targeting so that as you create you can go as narrow as question, or you can go super broad, basically create topics by uploading all of your Google keywords. So, we have this keyword uploader tool, where if you know the Google keywords that work well for you, will automatically recommend topics that match to that. And so very easily you can reproduce some of your campaigns on Quora by letting us figure out the right topics to go after. So, that's all on the context-based targeting option, or the contextual targeting.

Puja Ramani: Behavior targeting is something that we just launched the later half of last year and I touched up on this a little bit earlier. Basically, there's a lot of behavioral options that we also offer now. There's four categories, so let me walk through each of these. Let's go narrow to broad, right? So narrow in terms of like the smallest group that you'd be reaching.

Puja Ramani: If you're trying to do something super targeted on the people I would start with the list match audience capability. So, this is taking an existing list that you might have, either leads or current customers or maybe people that are very close to converting that you know are engaged on Quora that you want to reach out to. Upload a list of email ID's, we'll do the match for you and very similar to this function that's available on the platform. So, that's the narrowest option.

Puja Ramani: Then, on the people-based spectrum, the next option to consider is website re-targeting. We talked about that already, so this is using Quora to re-target people who are visiting your website. And you can basically target everybody who visited your website in the last 30 days who's active on Quora, and the ads will show up both on Question and Answer pages as well as on feeds. So, when you use some of these people-based options, you now have the ability to have your ads show up in the Quora feed which is great as well.

Puja Ramani: We also then, have look-a-like audiences, right? So the way this would work, is suppose you have a current customer list and want to try to find all the people on Quora who look like that. You can upload your current customer list, create a look-a-like audience, and then target that audience on Quora. You can create look-a-like audiences based on either website re-targeting or audience, there's really no constraint there.

Puja Ramani: And then the broadest people-based option we have is what we call Interest Targeting. So, what this means is, you basically let Quora figure out people that are interested in the topics that you are looking to advertise against. So, I'm going back to my marketing automation example earlier. If I'm suddenly reading a lot of marketing automation content and I'm uploading answers, you want to make sure that you're reaching me because I'm demonstrating this interest in that product or service, and that's where interest targeting comes in. So, you're not necessarily showing your ad on the topic itself, but you're also being proactive to broaden that group and find people who've recently shown interest in that product or service.

Puja Ramani: So, we use a lot of machine learning and AI behind the scenes to figure out who are the people interested in these topics. So, you don't necessarily have to figure that out, you just tell us, 'I'm looking to also target people who show interest in these topics.'

Puja Ramani: So, that's the full spectrum of all the targeting options we have. Just to summarize, basically two axes, either content-based, which is questions and topics, or you can go after people with our behavioral targeting options.

JD Prater: Nice. This is always such a great answer, too, because a question that I get asked a lot and that I've seen asked, is 'Well, how do you scale? So, within Quora ads, how do you scale it? Because I like the performance so much, how do I get more of it?' Right? And I know everyone listening, especially the performance marketers, are like, 'Ah, must get more results because they're so great!' I think these are huge, huge, as far as scaling, right? And you can really determine how you want to scale. You can start with very narrow, you can work your way all the way up to more broad.

Puja Ramani: Yeah.

JD Prater: One thing I always like to say, like for everyone that wants to get started, it's like, 'Put the pixel on your site,' and I should say, 'Go create an account, then put the pixel on your site, and just see how many, what percentage of people are on Quora, just on your website. Not including how many people are going to be coming to your site just from the advertising.' Huge advantages there when you think through all of the different types of targeting and how you can really scale performance.

Puja Ramani: Yeah. One thing I'll just throw out there, since we've launched all this functionality, over the last year, we've actually three X'd the number of active advertisers on the platform, and that's where your testament to the fact that we are able to deliver value to advertisers and marketers are busy. All of us, I'm a marketer too. We won't invest time in a channel that doesn't scale. If you haven't tried Quora, I would highly recommend that you give it a shot now, because we do have a lot of the functionality that you need to be able to scale your spend on the platform.

JD Prater: Yeah, definitely. And one thing I really like too, is when you think through diversifying your budget, I think a lot of us are definitely starting to feel like, 'Maybe we just need to break out of the Google-Facebook Dual-opoly and really try to figure out some other channels. If something happens, if an algorithm changes, if data privacy happens, whatever it could be, you need to be ready and I would highly encourage you guys to give it a try as far as running ads. So, question over to you, Puja, for everyone listening, what types of advertisers would you recommend, or what types of advertisers are seeing the best types of results? I know, at AdStage, we're B2B and we see fantastic results, but I'll try and kind of let you answer that one.

Types of advertisers seeing results

Puja Ramani: Yeah, absolutely. So, what's great about Quora is really, there's content and there's users to cross a variety of verticals. We've seen a lot of success in B2B for sure, so companies like AdStage, Instapage, there's just so much really good B2B content, like Jason Lampkin is a VC in the valley, he writes amazing stuff on how to build and scale a business, and anybody who's in SAAS is just totally consuming that content, right? B2B decision makers that are reading this stuff.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, so like B2B, it's a no-brainer, because we all know, like all of our friends, NPR's are on Quora reading this stuff, so it's a great place for that. But not just B2B. We've seen honestly lots of really great success with consumer brands as well. The smallest startups like Winnie and Shop public companies like Shopify, I've seen a lot of success on Quora as well. We were also seeing just more consumer brands come on now we have Image Ads, which is really exciting, like your more classic CPG companies and things like that.

Puja Ramani: We believe travel and auto and financial services are also big and growing verticals for us. The reason is these are all consumer purchases, right? If you think about Quora, it's a great place to kind of like figure out everything, like 'How do I have the best vacation in Italy with these budget cuts?' So people are trying to read these well thought out answers so right, if you're in travel.

Puja Ramani: And similarly, with auto too, with all the new technology out there, 'Should I get a Tesla? Or some other self-driving car? Which car is going to help me not have to drive in the next few years to come?' It's a great place for things like that.

Puja Ramani: So across the board, I think any marketer honestly, you should give Quora a try. Find those topics, start with a test budget, look at the actual content that you're targeting to see if it's a good fit for you because we have all these different targeting options, there's no risk to try a few a campaigns, there's no minimum you need to spend, you'll get the results pretty quickly and you can scale and sort of get into it from there on.

JD Prater: Yeah, and one thing, too, that I really like, is, how do I say this, you're not going to get trolled like you will on Reddit. Right? So, Reddit, again people might be asking questions and people are responding, but my goodness, if you throw an ad up on some of those groups, be prepared to get just hammered by people that don't want to see that, where you don't have to worry about that. So, I really do like the brand's safety aspect of Quora ads, especially when I have to think through comments and answering those comments. That's always a gray area for some advertisers, especially on the agency side. They might be running ads, and it's like, 'Well, who answers those comments?' And it's well, you don't have to worry about that with Quora.

Brand safety & no trolls on Quora

Puja Ramani: Yeah. I'm glad you brought that up, JD. Actually, we put a lot of emphasis on brand safety and it's actually when I pitch Quora advertising, brand safety is the one of the things we care about, right? So, the first is if you have a large engaged audience, it's high value and high intent already that we talked about. But then the third thing that's really important to marketers is brand safety and making sure your message is going to show up alongside the highest quality content. And so I can quickly just patch on some of the things we have in place to help.

Puja Ramani: We do have this 'Be nice, Be Respectful.' Policy that we've had since day one on Quora. So, you're not like, JD, like you talked about, like trolled and that just won't fly on Quora because we have moderators, we also have this upward, downward mechanism that really makes sure if the content isn't to our standard, it's not going to get any discretion. You can also use the 'Report Content', so we have a ton of processes in place to make sure that the quality is really high.

Puja Ramani: The Real Names Policy and the fact that we've put this emphasis on credentials and making sure that you're not hiding behind a fake name and in sharing your comments goes along way. So, that's why we have people like Tyson Quick of Instapage, writing answers with his real name. Jason Lampkin, people are putting their real brand out there and that's how Quora works. It's not a place where you just answer questions with no credibility or like, no known expertise in the field.

Puja Ramani: On the advertising side, we do actually have a bunch of features that I did touch on as part of our launch. We have exclusion targeting, so certain questions, or even audiences that you want to make sure that your ad never shows up to, you can use exclusion targeting at the question level and at the audience level. And then we make sure that only the highest quality topics are even eligible for ads in the first place. So we have a bunch of black-listed topics that are on religion, race, violence, all that kind of stuff that you really don't want your brand showing up against.

Puja Ramani: This is something that is really important to us. As a marketer, this is what you really worry about, right? Like when you're thinking about adding a new channel to you tool set, you want to make sure it's the highest quality channel, otherwise it's not worth your time.

JD Prater: Nice. Well, cool. Let's kind of wrap it up for everyone. How can advertisers learn more about Quora ads and how would you recommend them getting started?

Puja Ramani: Yeah, so it's super easy to create an account. So, if you go to, in a few easy steps you can create your account. If you don't have a Quora profile, you'll be asked to create that first. But if you have a Quora profile, it literally will take you seconds to get started. Then, once you create your account, we actually have a Getting Started webinar that you can attend and you'll get a series of educational emails to help you get started.

Quora at SMX Advanced

Puja Ramani: Take that leap of faith if you haven't already and we're here to support you. We do have a support team to help out as well. I also wanted to mention that we're going to be at SMX Advanced in Seattle on June 11th, and JD is going to be there as well, right?

JD Prater: Yeah.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, so we're going to have a booth there, you can come talk to our team, we can give you a demo. We're also doing a session there, again, giving you a deep dive into Quora, so please attend. Either meet us at the booth or at a session and we'd love to meet you in person.

JD Prater: Nice. And this is going to be new booth, correct?

Puja Ramani: That is correct, yes. [Laughs]

JD Prater: [Laughs] Puja and I were talking about booths and sponsoring conferences and so they've recently invested in a super deluxe booth, which I'm excited to see roll-out for SMX.

Puja Ramani: This is what I always do, right? I over sell it on the delivery [Laughs]

Puja Ramani: Hopefully you like the new booth. We may need to one more alteration on it before it's perfect, perfect, but it's getting there, yeah.

JD Prater: Definitely. Well, cool. So, I'll make sure to include all of these links in the show notes for everyone. If you could wrap up everything, what's the one take away you want to leave the audience with, Puja?

One key takeaway

Puja Ramani: Give Quora a try . It's a really great place to reach this high intent audience that all of us marketers are trying to reach. I would say that the world is...there's so much noise as a consumer and it's getting harder and harder to find in-market buyers for your product or service, and so Quora really gives you that opportunity to reach somebody who is in the market for your product or service, is looking to be influenced, and it's the perfect time to make sure you share your message with them. So, give it a try, and we're here to help you so please reach out. We're a small company, we're a lean team so we want to help our customers get success.

JD Prater: Perfect, well, thank you again, for your time and talking us through Quora Ads one year in. Hats off to the team that is working so fast, and again, the dedication to ROI with the pixel and the audiences and really scaling out the program and the actual profile of your ads manager. So, very excited for all of that.

Puja Ramani: Yeah, no and thank you to you, JD, for being one of our early customers and hopefully many more years together on the platform.

JD Prater: Definitely. Alright, everyone. Well, that'll be it for our show today. Thank you guys, and we'll see you guys next week.

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