LinkedIn Ads

Recruit Top Talent Using LinkedIn Ads

AdStage Team 2 minute read

A study published in the National Bureau of Economic Research found that adding a star scientist to a biology team, lifted the productivity of the team by 54 percent on average.

The halo effect of increased team productivity gained from star talent isn’t just limited to the field of Science. Many top business & tech organizations realize the importance of attracting “A-Players” to achieve ambitious goals.

A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.

- Steve Jobs

However, attracting top talent isn’t an easy task – there are often multiple companies competing to win the favor of today’s best & brightest.

In order to set your company apart from the pack, it’s important to continually stay at top of mind for a star candidate. LinkedIn Ads can be used to introduce your company, expose candidates to your culture, and convince them to join your ranks.

Reach Ideal Candidates with Ad Targeting

LinkedIn is home to one of the World’s largest professional networks, with over 100 million members in the United States alone. Users include rich details on their profiles such as their job title, experience, skill sets, associated professional groups, and interests.

Each of these aspects can be refined in ad targeting to ensure you’re reaching the right candidates with your messaging.

Let’s review some of the core targeting options:


  • Cross country relocation or long commutes might disqualify your company from consideration. Ensure you’re targeting the best applicable geographies with your message.


  • You can target candidates by company name – including the list of your competitors or top industry leaders.

Job Title

  • Target candidates by specific job titles

Pro Tip: Search for multiple variations of the same job title. Some organizations may have slightly differing titles for essentially the same role.


  • For highly technical roles, sometimes schooling can matter. In this field you can find candidates from top tier programs.


  • Sometimes a job title alone can be too broad. Refine even further using the Skills section.


  • Those who are active in groups are usually looking to continually enhance and sharpen their skillsets, making ideal candidates.

Pro Tip: Use LinkedIn's "Advanced" search feature to discover skill sets and groups, modeled from ideal candidates within your current network.

First, filter by Keywords & Location.

Then, find an ideal candidate within your network.

Use their profile to model & refine your ad targeting.

Appeal to Candidates with Different Ad Messaging

To ensure your company attracts the candidate’s eye, try testing out different types of messaging to see what resonates.

Reveal There are Open Positions

Share Impressive Company Milestones

Show a Glimpse into the Company Culture


LinkedIn Ads (both Sponsored Updates & Standard Text Ads) can greatly complement your recruiting efforts – pinpointing ideal top candidates, introducing them to your company, and helping to convince them why joining your organization is their best career choice.

AdStage Team