Digital Marketing , AdStage Products

Show a More Complete Picture by Adding HubSpot Data to Ad Performance Reports

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Marketers have a lot going on. Not only are we responsible for the overall brand, product messaging, and press of a company, but we are the primary drivers of lead generation to fill the sales pipeline.

In order to accomplish these goals, you have to balance paid efforts like advertising with organic efforts like content. Outbound efforts typically include running paid ads on search and social networks, targeting specific audiences with specific messages. Inbound marketing tactics consist of things like blogs, white papers, and landing page forms, and are critical in driving organic growth. Inbound goals vary from clicks to CTR to form fill-outs to email open rates.

That is a lot of activity to keep track of when managing a marketing program. But how do you know the best way to optimize your program? Are the best leads coming from a Google Ad or was it that blog you published last month?

In order to show results to colleagues, executives, or clients, you have to run reports from a variety of sources, including social ad networks, search ad networks, and marketing automation software. Once data is pulled from each individual platform, numbers must be normalized, aggregated, then formatted into one easy deliverable. And then this manual process must be repeated on a regular basis.

The best marketers realize that all the various marketing elements work together to attract leads and carry them through the marketing funnel. So how are your organic marketing efforts impacting your paid marketing efforts? This was a challenge our customers were having a difficult time addressing. So we launched the new HubSpot integration for AdStage . You can now add data from blogs, emails, forms, and other tactics directly to AdStage.

AdStage is committed to taking the pain out of paid marketing management, but now we can also help you optimize your content for leads. AdStage already helps by automating the paid ad pieces of this process. AdStage Report , in particular, gives you access to cross-network data imports, auto-refreshing dashboards, and scheduled report emails. Our customers inform us that our platform alone saves hours of time on reporting and analysis for paid media campaigns. Time that they can use on more important things like strategy.

To use our HubSpot integration, you simply connect a HubSpot account to AdStage. You can then easily view your inbound data right next to your paid data. There are no separate reports to pull or data to aggregate. In addition, all of your charts and tables are in the same format, providing an easy-to-read report. You can schedule one email to send to all stakeholders at the same time every period, with all paid and inbound data, setting a consistent expectation.

Make sure your team gets all the data they need, in one view, at one time. Easily understand how all of your marketing efforts are performing automatically, with no manual reporting or aggregating. As marketers, we know that a good strategy involves both outbound and inbound strategies. Now you can make sure your content is actually attracting the leads that will convert into paying customers!

Create one, easy-to-read report with all of your paid search and social ad data next to your HubSpot inbound marketing results.

Get Started

If you would like to learn more about how AdStage can help automate your reporting, for paid search and social or HubSpot, request a personalized demo with one of our experts.

Or you can check it out for yourself by s igning up for a 14-day free trial . You get full access to the entire AdStage product suite, including the new HubSpot integration.

The HubSpot integration is automatically included for all of our current users. Read our FAQ on our support site to learn more.

We’re here to help! Contact us at with any other questions.

AdStage Team