This Week in Ad News

Simple Bid Rules for Improved CPAs, AdWords Upgrades Dynamic Search Ads, TV Ads Extend Reach via Facebook Ads, & More...

AdStage Team 2 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.


Full-Funnel Ads and Attribution Guide for B2B Marketers

We are teaming up with Bizible next week to host a webinar that will provide education on everything B2B marketers need to know about full-funnel ads and attribution.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The drawbacks of single touch attribution
  • How to use cross-channel PPC ads for every stage of your funnel
  • 3 new ways to think about attribution for B2B advertisers
Jana Fung | @jana_fung


Google AdWords Upgrades Dynamic Search Ads
Google has upgraded their Dynamic Search Ads (DSA), a product which...

AdStage Now Supports Google Shopping Campaigns Management
E-commerce marketers can manage AdWords text and product listing...

AdWords Adds Bulk Uploads For Shopping Campaigns
Now manage product groups, bids, tracking templates and custom...

The Locals Take On Google’s Home Service Ads
Google is currently beta testing its program to promote local home...

Google Enters Home Services Market With New Ads Test
Ads for locksmiths and plumbers are now appearing on some queries in...

Google Updates AdWords Keyword Quality Score Reporting
Update does not affect ad auction or ad serving processes...

Google Database Sets Foundation for Ad Tech’s Master Blacklist Of Bad Bots
The Trustworthy Accountability Group is piloting the program to block...

Google’s New Manufacturer Center Will Be Used To Improve Ad Relevancy
A more complete source of product details offers potential benefits for...

Search Ads In Google Play Store Rolling Out For All Android App Marketers
App install ads appear in search results in the Play Store. The post...

Search Ads to Target App Downloaders
Starting today, Google AdWords advertisers can run search app install...

Yahoo Product Listing Ads With Added Filters in Search Results
Yahoo is testing a pretty unique version of their Yahoo Shopping Ads...

Yahoo Testing Ratings Only Ads in Search Results
Yahoo is testing an interesting way to display ads in their search results...

Advertisers Rejoice! LinkedIn Ads Announces New Campaign Manager
Advertisers welcome the switch to the new LinkedIn campaign manager...

Facebook Fuels Ad Tracking, Pushing App Users to Instantly Log in on Safari
35 million people run into a Facebook email and password login...

Twitter Soundly Beats Expectations With $502 Million In Q2 Revenue
Company reports 304 million in monthly active users, 316 million...


Weekend Bidding Rules For Better Cost Per Acquisition
Learn how we implemented a weekend bidding strategy that reduced...

Everything You Need To Know About PPC Conversion Tracking
Read on as we cover the conversion tracking and implementation basics...

Top Ten PPC Tips For The Travel And Tourism Marketer
10 tips to assist in your PPC strategy development for your travel and...

3 Steps to Kill Your PPC Ad Writer’s Block Right Now
Checking out the competition and user reviews, and getting reacquainted...

Relaxing constraints on ad group name uniqueness
Have you ever found it frustrating that you can never reuse an AdGroup...

Automate Alpha Beta Campaign Structure Using AdWords Scripts
While popular, an Alpha Beta campaign structure can be cumbersome to...

Bid To Position In “Real Time” With This Open-Sourced AdWords Script
In response to demand, former Googler Daniel Gilbert shares a Brainlabs...

Beginner Excel: 10 Must-Haves for PPC Newbies
The following 10 Excel tips will have you zipping through data, pulling...


TV Campaigns Extend Reach via Facebook Ads
Advertisers are leveraging Facebook video to stretch the reach of...

Instagram Will Pass Google, Twitter In Mobile Display Ad Revenue By 2017
EMarketer predicts Instagram will earn $595 million in ad revenue this...

Report Pegs “Click-To-Call Commerce” At More Than $1 Trillion Annually
A new report from Marchex, based on an analysis of millions of calls and...

Measuring Mobile Effectiveness Still Challenges Marketers
Mobile advertising is a big business, and spending continues to pour in...

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