Facebook Ads

Speed Up Facebook Ad Creation With Saved Audiences

AdStage Team 1 minute read

This post was originally published at FBPPC.com .

In the course of managing your Facebook Ads account, you tend to target the same basic audiences again and again. But configuring your audience repeatedly can get really tedious. Thankfully, Facebook’s Power Editor offers a handy feature that lets you save your audience targeting settings for repeated use. Don’t worry; the process is extremely easy and helpful. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps to create and use saved audiences.

Creating a New Saved Audience

You can create and save a new audience, from scratch, within the Power Editor Audiences tab.

  1. Open the Power Editor and select your ad account. Facebook Ads Power Editor
  2. Click “Audiences” in the left navigation.
  3. Click “Create Audience.” facebook ads create audience
  4. Choose “Saved Target Group” from the dropdown that appears.
  5. Name your new audience and select your targeting. facebook ads targeting settings

Your audience will be automatically saved as soon as you upload the changes in the Power Editor.

Saving an Existing Audience

You can also extract and save an audience from an existing ad by selecting the ad within the Power Editor.

  1. Select your campaign from the Campaign Filter.
  2. Select the ad with the audience targeting settings you’d like to extract.
  3. Click “Save Audience.” facebook ads save audience
  4. Name your new audience and adjust your targeting as desired.

Your audience will be automatically saved as soon as you upload the changes in the Power Editor.

Using a Saved Audience

Once you’ve saved an audience group, you can easily use them in your ads.

  1. Begin creating (or modifying) your ad.
  2. Click the “Audience” tab.
  3. Click “Use Existing Targeting Group.”
    facebook ads use saved target audience
  4. Select your saved audience from the dropdown.

Get Started With Saved Audiences

Saved audiences make it quicker for you to target the perfect audience on Facebook . Simply create your different audiences once and save them for future use. Then you’ll be able to apply them to ads on demand. At the very least, you should build one saved audience with your basic targeting settings and then modify it slightly for each ad.

Also Try Custom Audiences

While saved audience groups make it easy for you to reach new customers on Facebook, Custom Audiences let you reach existing customers. Make sure you know how to use custom audiences to generate repeat orders and drive customer loyalty.

AdStage Team