Facebook Ads

Taking Advantage of Facebook's New Campaign Structure

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Have you heard the news ? Facebook is rolling out a brand new campaign structure. The goal of the new structure is to make it easier for you to organize, optimize and measure your ad performance. So how exactly does it work and how can you make the most of it? I’ll explain all you need to know about the change and how to take advantage of it right here.

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What's Changing

Up until this change, Facebook campaigns had two levels: campaigns housed ads directly. Your schedule and budget lived at the campaign level and your objective, bid and targeting lived at the ad level.

Now, campaigns have an additional level between campaigns and ads called “ad sets.” Search advertisers may liken this to the “ad groups” used in Google and Bing campaigns, but there are some big differences. In this new structure, you’ll create campaigns for each of your objectives. Then you’ll create ad sets with their own schedule and budget (that’s right, budget is on the ad set level).  Ads still include their unique bids and budgets, but they no longer include the objective since that’s already been set at the campaign level.

Take a look at this table to see the features available for each of these entities:

facebook l3 campaign entity features Features available for each Facebook Ad entity

Facebook explains the three levels as:

  • Campaign - You'll choose an advertising objective for each campaign you create and that campaign will consist of one or more ad sets. This will help you optimize and measure your results for each advertising objective.
  • Ad Set - An ad set will have one or more ads and you'll continue to define the budget and schedule for each ad set. You can create an ad set for each of your audience segments by making the ads within the ad set target the same audience. This will help you control the amount you spend on each audience, decide when each audience will see your ads, and see metrics specific to each audience.
  • Ads - Ads will now live within ad sets. You'll continue to define your creative, target your audience, and select your bidding at the ad level. Multiple ads should be created in each ad set so our system can optimize for variations in images, links, video, text or placements.

How It Will Affect You

Every single account will be migrated and the changes will roll out to every interface: the Facebook Ads create tool , Ads Manager , Power Editor and even third-party ad tools like AdStage . Facebook will migrate your account to the new campaign structure sometime between March 4 - 30, 2014. You’ll know you’ve been migrated when you see ad sets added to your campaigns.

What Will Happen to Your Existing Campaigns

new campaign structure for facebook  ads

All of your ad campaigns (even the ones you’ve deleted) will be migrated to the new campaign structure and will now have one ad set containing all existing ads.

Facebook says this won’t change the delivery, spend, reporting or performance of ads in your existing campaigns, but you want to revisit your schedules, budgets and ad sets to make sure they match your campaign goals.

How to Structure New Facebook Ad Campaigns

In light of these changes, you’ll want to structure your Facebook ad campaigns a little differently moving forward.

  1. One campaign for each objective - First define your objectives and create a campaign for each of them (e.g., create a campaign for generating mobile app installs).
  2. One ad set for each audience - Next, define the different audiences you want to target for this objective (e.g., Males 24-36, Females 24-36) and create one ad set for each audience. Note: You won’t actually define the audience in the ad set, but rather in the ads.
  3. Diverse use of creatives - Finally, create multiple ads within each ad set. Facebook recommends you use different images, links, video, text and placements in your ads, but also that you use the same target audience and same bid type for each ad within an ad set. This strategy will allow Facebook to optimize your campaign to use the best-performing ads.

Once you've been migrated to the new structure, make sure to share your tips and tricks in the comments below!

AdStage Team