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The 10 Best AdWords Scripts to Scale your PPC Accounts

AdStage Team 3 minute read

When you scale your AdWords accounts, you start to find even some of the most basic tasks start to take up huge amounts of time. I remember stepping up from managing smaller AdWords accounts with a few hundred ads (where I could easily keep track of my split tests in a few minutes per day), to some much larger ones where there were tens of thousands of ads. It would have taken me literally hours a day to review each one by hand.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The key to keeping on top of your AdWords accounts when you scale is Automation . And, one of the most straightforward ways to automate tasks is to use AdWords Scripts for optimizations .

AdWords Scripts are pieces of Javascript code that you can literally copy and paste into your account without any coding knowledge . AdWords scripts allows you to automate AdWords-related activities using JavaScript. You can learn how to implement AdWords Scripts step by step here .

So what are the best AdWords scripts? Here are the 10 I absolutely could not live without.

1. Quality Score Tracker by PPC Epiphany

This is hands down one of the best AdWords scripts ever written. It allows you to automatically record your Quality Score once per day so you can keep track of your historical quality score without having to purchase any software.

And, not only does it help you keep track of your historical Quality Score, it also allows you to create a dashboard within Google sheets that shows you your current quality score distribution and impression weighted Quality Score.

Quality Score Script

The script provides a number of settings that you can change to add further charts to your dashboard, such as click-weighted Quality Score.

2. Automated Ad Testing AdWords Script

Split testing when you have a few ads is not a problem, but when you have 10,000 or even 100,000 it becomes a big problem. This automated ad creative testing tool makes it easy to keep track of all of your split tests.

It works by analyzing the ads within an ad group and making a calculation as to whether there is statistical significance. This can be set to test a range of different metrics such as CTR and conversion rate.

Once statistical significance has been reached the script labels the ads as either “Current Champion” or “Loser 95% confidence”. It can also be configured to email you to say that a split test has finished.

Automated Ad Testing AdWords Script

3. 24-Hour Bidding Script

One of the limitations of AdWords is that you can only use 6 different bid buckets per day, but you are likely to find that your conversion rate changes hourly.

There is however a workaround for this using AdWords Scripts and the Google Sheets API. It allows you to set the different bid modifiers for each hour within Google Sheets and then import them using the API into AdWords to change bids 24 times per day.

24-Hour Bidding AdWords Script

4. Weather-Based Bidding AdWords Script

There are a significant number of industries where AdWords performance is affected by the weather (literally!) such as automotive, travel, home improvement, retail and many more, and for maximum ROI is it essential to change bids to reflect what’s going on outside.

Weather-based Campaign Management AdWords Script

This script allows you to increase or decrease your bids based on the weather in the location where a user is searching.

5. Disable Ads for Out-of-Stock Items in Search

Most merchant feeds allow you to pause your Google Shopping ads when they are out of stock but there is no similar functionality built into Google search.

This script allows you to pause ads that are linking to out-of-stock products by scanning the page for the “out-of-stock” piece of code.

Disable Ads for Out-of-stock Items in Search AdWords Script

6. N-Gram Search Query Reports

Seeing trends within your search query reports is fairly straightforward when you have a small AdWords account, but this becomes a lot more complex when you have millions of different search queries to review.

The solution here is to use something called N-Gram analysis, which allows you to see the aggregate performance of individual words or phrases. So, for example, if you are selling Alloy wheels, you would be able to see the performance of all of the search queries that contain the color “silver” for example.

7. Competitor Tracking Script

Keeping track of your competitors is fundamental to AdWords success, however, it can be time consuming on larger accounts. The solution here is to use this competitor tracking script that allows you to map your competitors’ impression-share over time.

Competitor Tracking AdWords Script

8. “Split Test Anything” Script

There are several limitations of using AdWords experiments. For instance, not being able to test the campaign settings themselves. This AdWords script provides a workaround in that it allows you to test virtually anything.

It works using labels. The results of the tests can be reviewed within the dimensions tab and will look like this.

“Split Test Anything” AdWords Script

9. 24-Hour Heat Map Script

This AdWords Script allows you to see how your AdWords performance changes hour-by-hour in the form of a heat map so that it is easy to visualize.

This script has also been updated so that you can see the performance of each device (mobile, desktop and tablet) hour-by-hour.

24-Hour Heat Map AdWords Script

10. Analyze Quality Score in Detail

Most readers will know that visible Quality Score is made up of “expected CTR,” “landing page experience,” and “ad relevance”. This script allows you to visualize how your account is doing based on these three metrics so you can see which aspect of your account needs to be improved.

Analyze Quality Score in Detail AdWords Script

If you are interested in learning more about AdWords Scripts here are some good resources:

Simplify your ad reporting and automation across search, display, app, video, & shopping campaigns on Google AdWords .


AdStage Team