Digital Marketing

The Best 15 Slack Apps for Marketers

AdStage Team 7 minute read

With over 5 million daily active users, it’s no surprise Slack is one of the most popular apps for businesses. Marketers, in particular, love Slack apps because they can integrate it with other apps and tools, making it the mission control center for managing work.

With over 600 apps available for integration, it can be hard to decide which ones are the best for marketers. That’s why in this article, you will learn about the best 15 Slack apps for marketers.

1. GrowthBot

Delegating to an assistant is one of the most common tasks any manager does to lower his work load. With the fast development of artificial intelligence, now managers can use automated queries to get all sort of useful information.

GrowthBot is an automated Slack assistant that quickly fetches marketing and sales information for you. With GrowthBot, you can find and report the top Twitter users in your city, you can get the search keywords one of your competitors ranks for, or what SaaS companies use a specific tool. All of this with the help of natural language interface, so it will feel as if you are talking to a real assistant

Since GrowthBot doesn't have a specific suite of features, you should discover some of what it can do by typing in “Hello” and then “Give me a hint.”

Finally, it connects to a diverse set of tools such as HubSpot Marketing, HubSpot CRM, Google, and other data providers to provide quick and convenient answers to common questions.

2. AskAdStage

Running PPC campaigns for different ad networks can be hard to manage. You have to analyze dozens of reports, which can be hard to find and create.

AskAdStage is a paid search & social campaign reporting tool that gives PPC managers access to a wide variety of reports to analyze your campaign's performance right in your Slack channels.

AskAdStage connects to eight ad networks, which include:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Google AdWords
  • Bing Ads
  • Yahoo Gemini

You can use AskAdStage to compare performance metrics across each of the search and social networks mentioned before in just a few clicks. You can get detailed reports on the performance of your search or social networks campaigns, the campaign objectives of each one, and their statuses.

If you prefer to see the performance of your campaigns, you can use AskAdStage to get visualized data trends with bar, line, and pie charts.

Finally, you can use AskAdStage to pause or enable your ad campaigns, ad groups, or individual ads.

3. Statsbot

If you run a software or e-commerce business, staying up to date with analytics can be tough. There are many tools most marketers use, like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Salesforce, among others.

StatsBot is an AI-driven analytics monitoring assistant that delivers reports to your Slack channels. Whenever there's a change in an important metric (which could include pageviews, lead acquired, or revenue), StatsBot sends you a message in one of your Slack channels.

The tool pulls specific metrics you define from all your favorite analytics tools, including Google Analytics, Stripe, and Mixpanel.

4. Drift

" Get to know your customers ," is an old mantra that business has been practicing for a long time due to the vast amount of marketing ideas it can help marketers untap. Given the scarce time marketers have, talking to your customers can be a challenging task, to say the least.

The situation changes with Drift, a communications tool which makes it easy to talk with your customers in real-time. Drift also simplifies the way your marketing team generates leads and schedule meetings faster using real-time messaging.

Thanks to the integration between Drift and Slack together, you can manage all the conversations without having to leave Slack.

5. Autopilot

Marketing automation is a powerful way to communicate with your customers. By creating and sending automated customer journeys, you can give all the information your visitors need to make them more interested in your company's offers.

autopilot slack app

With Autopilot, you can send personalized emails, in-app messages, SMS, or even postcards, and nurture your leads into high paying customers.

The integration between Autopilot and Slack offers many benefits to marketers, some of which include:

  • Get notifications when the sales team gets a demo requests
  • Send internal message to the team’s Slack channel, so that the team can now view new user challenges as they happen and respond fast
  • Engage your users by showing signs they are ready to upgrade or churn
6. Hootsuite

There are billions of social media users, making them a priority for marketers as a communications channel. But how do you take the time to create and send all your team's Facebook updates, tweets, and Instagram posts?

HootSuite is the most widely used platform for managing social media, with over 10 million people around the globe and trusted by more than 800 of the Fortune 1000.

The Slack integration for HootSuite allows you to send social messages from your Hootsuite dashboard directly to any channel within your Slack team.

7. Baremetrics

baremetrics slack app

As a marketer, you must follow the most important metrics closely for your startup, like the monthly recurring revenue, the churn rate, and the number of new customers.

Baremetrics is an analytics and monitoring tool that gives you access to metrics you can act on. They also provide you with information about your customer profiles. You can find out their LTV and MRR, among other metrics.

The integration of Baremetrics sends important updates to your team's Slack channel. You can receive the latest data from your most important metrics so you don't miss what's happening in your company.

8. Mention

Whether your company is large or small, people will talk about it in both good and bad ways. You must follow what they say about you, so you can react fast if there's any PR problem or if a potential customer needs an extra push to sign up.

mention slack app

Mention is media monitoring tool that gives you access to real-time brand mentions across the web. You can also use Mention to analyze your competitors, reach out to influencers, or get insights on your industry.

With Mention’s Slack integration, you can monitor important keywords right from your team's Slack channels. You can also ensure that all mentions are attended to by assigning them to team members with Slack’s @mention feature.

9. Drum

drum slack app

Meetings , one of the pillars that makes up any company's culture. Whether you find them useful or not, you will have to meet with members of your marketing team. Sometimes the need for a meeting shows up without short notice. You can go and create a meeting with Google Calendar or another similar tool, but if you are in a hurry it may take you more than you wished to do so.

Drum allows you to create an instant web meeting within your chosen Slack channel or direct message. By integrating Drum into your Slack team, you can benefit from instant web meetings with the same functionality you would expect within your face to face meeting.

You can create a meeting quickly by using the code "<code>/drum</code>" into your Slack channel or direct message. Your team will be able to join a meeting with Drum's local dial-numbers at no charge. They can even join a web meeting with just a click.

10. Zapier

If you are like most companies, you use dozens of different tools to make your job. After a while, it can be hard to get anything done with so many tools to use. To simplify your life, you could use a bit of automation.

Zapier allows you to connect over 750+ apps, including Gmail, Basecamp, HubSpot, Evernote, Google Sheets, Typeform, and more. In just a few minutes, you can set up automations called "Zaps," which will turn your Slack into your team's central command.

You can connect calendar events, social media mentions, or new lead details straight into any chat.

11. Content Tracker

Content marketing is one of the most effective channels for online marketers. Despite its power, 57% of B2B marketers have a hard time measuring its effectiveness.

content tracker slack app

Content Tracker by Priceonomics is a dashboard for measuring content marketing performance. By integration Content Tracker with Slack, you can get real-time notifications of events such as:

  • When you get an inbound link to your content
  • When new content is published
  • When your blog content hits big milestones on social sharing and traffic
  • When one of your articles goes going viral

With the Slack integration, you will get all your content marketing analytics directly in Slack.

12. Raven

raven tools slack app

We've mentioned PPC, content marketing, and analytics. But we can't forget about SEO, which is another highly powerful marketing acquisition channel.

Raven is one of the most complete SEO tools. Lots of marketers use Raven to schedule marketing reports, discover on-page SEO issues, and manage their marketing campaigns. By automating your reports, you can save many hours. You can get ranking reports, analytics, SEO, social media, and advertising data all in one place.

The integration of Raven and Slack gives you real-time information about your marketing campaigns right in your Slack channels. With Raven, you can receive notifications such as:

  • When one of the on-page SEO audits are complete
  • When someone adds or removes an inbound link
  • When a scheduled report is sent to a client
13. RandomGrowth Marketing Ideas Bot

Growth hacking is a popular term among startups marketers as it brings the power of customer acquisition, data, and programming all in one place. There are many growth hacks which are very simple yet effective, which is why marketers love sharing and using them.

The RandomGrowth Marketing Ideas Bot gives you short, actionable growth hacks and marketing ideas used by the most successful startups in your Slack team. The RandomGrowth Growth Hacks Generator is Ideal for busy early and seasoned entrepreneurs constantly working on multiple projects.

14. Trello

Project management is a discipline all marketers use to plan, execute, and control the work of a team to achieve specific goals. That's why most companies, whether they are large or small, use project management tools to improve their results.

trello slack app

Trello is one of the most popular project management tools due to its simplicity. With Trello, you can create new projects (called "cards"), and see who's responsible for each task within each project.

If you have separate teams working on specific cards or tasks, the Trello integration can help you manage the process efficiently. You can create a Slack channel with everyone in the loop and have a central chat/content management system to keep all projects in check.

Trello lets you create cards (projects), assign them to teammates, set deadlines and leave comments when necessary.

15. Google Drive

It's a fact employees generate vast amounts of files for their work: writers make content pieces, designers create Photoshop files, and developers have multiple files with their code.

Google Drive allows you to store all your files securely online and access them from anywhere. The integration of Google Drive with Slack helps you create Google Docs and import any type of file from Google Drive without leaving your conversations in Slack.

Here's a handy guide made by Slack on how to setup and use Google Drive.


As you have seen, Slack isn't just a powerful communications app. The vast amount of app integrations will help you save time, which in turn will make you a more productive marketer. Now it's your turn to get started.

Pick one of the mentioned Slack apps, and integrate it with your company's channels. Try it out for yourself, and see how powerful Slack apps can really be.

AdStage Team